Gold David Talas - Instagrizzle Masterclass

Discussion in 'Other Related Downloads' started by ariel, 4 Aug 2020.

  1. ariel

    ariel Silver IV

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    2 Jun 2020
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    Hey there,

    Instagram still works. It always has, and it will for a really long time.

    I know, because you wouldn't be reading this.

    My success is thanks to Instagram. And my story might not be your typical university dropout self-made entrepreneur, but I'll tell you in a second and let you decide.

    But before I do, let me tell you why I'm here.

    I'm here to offer you my course and hopefully make a sale.

    That's the whole point of a sales page, isn't it? I'm here to sell something that I can duplicate at almost zero cost to me.

    Yes, I have some costs like transaction fees, taxes and I also have to pay for my team's hard work, hosting, customer support, etc.

    But it's nothing close to the price of this course at $495.

    So why am I charging you so much money for something that costs me almost nothing to package and sell?

    Because I believe the value you receive from the material will exceed the price by far.

    Just imagine having an audience who shows up for you every day and is eager to consume what you make.

    From such an audience, I made $85,573 in revenue from organic traffic since September 2019.

    Luckily, most of it is profit, as I only sell coaching, consulting and digital products (like this course). My costs are really low, and I like it that way.

    This is not a promise that you'll make money if you sign up. It's just to show the value of having an audience.

    And look, I'm so confident this course is going to help you build an audience that if you don't like what you get for whatever reason, I'll refund you every penny if you let me know within 90 days after your purchase.

    No questions asked. You just send us an email and my lovely assistant, Szonja will take care of it.

    By the law, I'm only required to give you a 30-day window, but I'm extending it at my own cost to give you more time to learn and apply the material.

    But before we talk about the course material and how things work, I would like to introduce myself, and tell you my story.

    I grew up in Békéscsaba, Hungary. I bet you haven't heard of it. It's a small city of 69,000 people in Eastern Europe.

    Everybody knows everybody. Lots of gossip. She did this, he cheated on her, yada, yada, yada...

    I didn't like that culture at all, which was probably why I turned to self-development, online marketing and entrepreneurship.

    I can vividly remember the first sale I made. It was 4,000 Hungarian Forints, which is around $13. I sold a pendrive I bought for $5.

    This was in 10th grade high school. In my senior year, I was selling iPhone cases at $10 a piece that I bought from China on the dollar.

    But my curiosity led me elsewhere and I'm glad it did.

    Not gonna lie, I was a smart kid. Straight As, won maths and physics competitions and I loved science. Still do.

    So I went on to pursue a career in medicine.

    And the most common question I always got was "What kind of doctor do you want to be, David?"



    Info: Looks like the Content is already leaked to GFXTRA. So the list of potential Leakers is small, you might find one of you already suspicious among them @h1ghm1nd @george

    [Mod Edit: Dead GOLD Link Removed]
    Last edited by a moderator: 25 Mar 2021
  2. twentyfourelders

    twentyfourelders New Member

    10 Mar 2020
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    Dead link, please re-upload.

    Thank you
  3. Jack Smith

    Jack Smith Moderator

    Staff Member Lifetime Gold Gold Member No Limit
    15 Feb 2018
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    @ariel Could you please post a new link? Thanks.
  4. lkngood

    lkngood Global Elite

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    17 Jun 2018
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  5. twentyfourelders

    twentyfourelders New Member

    10 Mar 2020
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    I am sorry that it leaked to PSDLY and GFXTRA but we are humbly asking for one more re-upload, we do not have the luxury to purchase another sub-method when we have one here
  6. lkngood

    lkngood Global Elite

    Lifetime Gold Trusted Gold Member No Limit
    17 Jun 2018
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    fyi it isn't just there......once it hits GFXtra, spreads like wildfire to other warez sites.....unfortunately leakage is a fact of life....