thanks but the file sizes exceeds their max upload. I have used that site for smaller courses, though!
@dinobytes Drat! I was hoping it would be helpful. If I find anything else, I'll try to remember to pass it your way! BTW - What's the biggest file size?
Thanks. The main issue is there are a lot of files. Uploading them separately (and having to break it up further by folder) will take weeks. It took days to upload to mega as one folder. I know there are "cheap" hosting options but I'm just not looking to add to my expenses right now.
Reuploading...again. This time around will exclude coaching calls since it hogs up a whopping 15gb. No big's just zoom calls with random people. Also, the folder names are intentional
Why is it now gold content and it was not before?! Mistake or on purpose? If it is on purpose can you please mark it as gold content in title
I can work on it tomorrow but it will take a while. This course is huge, so uploads take time. I'm surprised it's gone this long without a take down.