Are they Photo/Video related? There have been some tutorials posted recently in Russian and German, I posted one in Spanish (photographing miniature models). The prerequisite is that they should have English subtitles, but most of them don't. @george Should they be posted in the Photo/Video Tutorials or maybe create a language subsection?
Cheers I think we need to make a new section of Photo Tutorial in spanish, I have a lot to share. Can we do that @george please
I think we all need to agree on a title format if we're going to start posting in all sorts of languages. Maybe a foreign language sub with the languages as prefixes. Of course, that cancels out the ability to do Gold, but it would make things easier to recognise at a glance.
I agree!!! My suggestion is like this: Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages Title in foreign language Title in English It will look like this: spa - Título en español - English Title The code can be from this standard: iso 392 code The description can be google translated to have english and the native language. Let me now your thoughts.