Skillshare - Storytelling Photography Part I : Brainstorming & Planning Your Photoshoot

Discussion in 'Skillshare' started by Nikon4life, 19 Sep 2021.

  1. Nikon4life

    Nikon4life Legendary

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    26 Jan 2020
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    Storytelling Photography Part I : Brainstorming & Planning Your Photoshoot
    by David Schauf

    More Info HERE

    File Size 261.7 MB

    In this class, you’ll learn a straightforward process and skills to follow that will help you in creating a photograph that brings a scene of your favorite movie or book or daydream to life.

    This will be the first class in a series that will walk you through how to start bringing your imagination to life through your photography.

    What You’ll Learn
    • Brainstorming Your Theme. Brainstorming a new theme or idea is one of my most favorite and least favorite parts of the process. It can be hard to enjoy when you’re stuck in a creative rut or even when you have too many ideas and you are trying to narrow it down to the best version of an idea. Here we’ll discuss ways to brainstorm and think of new ways to create your story.
    • Planning Stages.
      • Finding Your Subject (Yourself, a Model, a Toy, a Prop?)
      • Determine Your Environment
      • Scouting Locations
      • Lighting The Scene
    • Sketching Your Scene. Let’s talk about why sketching your scene can make a big difference in your final photograph, key elements to include, and why.
    • Tools/Items to Bring on Your Shoot. Have you ever gone out on a shoot and later thought, “if only I had brought…!” We will go through a list of tools/items that you may want to bring with on your shoot and why. Always be prepared is my motto!
    • Things I’ve learned. I’ve been shooting for 10 years now and I’ve learned a lot of things the hard way. I will be sharing tips and tricks in what I’ve found to help me be more successful in getting the final shot I wanted.
    Project Description

    Why do the project? This project will help you build the foundation for photoshoot and assist you in visualizing your final image. Post your project below with any questions you have and I will feedback from my experience.

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    Last edited: 6 Sep 2023
  2. diosdado

    diosdado Apprentice IV

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    21 Jun 2022
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    pls re upload thanks
  3. Nikon4life

    Nikon4life Legendary

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    26 Jan 2020
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    Link refreshed . . . :cool:
    alexvbarrientos likes this.
  4. dzinetokyo

    dzinetokyo Skilled

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    25 Mar 2023
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    @Nikon4life Question There are 8 files in the link but the site has 12 lessons listed. I haven't looked at the files yet, but I wanted to know if this an earlier version with only 8 lessons or 12 lessons reorganized as 8 or just a case of missing files? No rush on the answer, and thanks for the refresh.
  5. Nikon4life

    Nikon4life Legendary

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    26 Jan 2020
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    The specific UL is complete with a caveat of (for that time) - IOW: no missing files. Not sure if the revamping of the "new" site incorporates any updates to the original files or is simply sub-divided / re-edited to provide more material (at least superficially). I've noticed older posts of a lot of Skillshare; Lynda; etc have many courses being presented with what appears as more (and sometimes less) segments being covered.

    From a personal perspective - if I was a content creator earning pennies - I'd strive to introduce new material (as updates) or complete new courses (where appropriate) . . . peeps are paying for this, after-all . . . :cool:

    As a side note - the total time of this course is less than that time it takes me to make coffee, toast, bacon, and 2 flippy-eggs . . . :D
  6. dzinetokyo

    dzinetokyo Skilled

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    25 Mar 2023
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    I noticed the length and the cost per minute. No complaint at all, just checking. If they are updating, I wish they would do a V2.0 or something. I handbrake and try to get the titles/meta data right (obsessive behavior, I know) and check with the sites. You are right though. For that length, probably best to just add and look. Thanks loads for going to the time and trouble of answering so completely. Your answer may even pre-empt the "missing files" comment that shows up (the "different number of files" phenomenon that is often and most probably due to the reason you so eloquently explained.)