Question to Vets about Sterilization/Prep of PDFs, epubs and Other Files Before Upping

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by dzinetokyo, 15 Sep 2023.

  1. dzinetokyo

    dzinetokyo Silver IV

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    25 Mar 2023
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    After consulting @Nikon4life, he suggested that I pose this question in the Lounge. My buddy will be acquiring magazines directly from the publisher, and will be sharing them with me. Many issues are not available here, but before making them available, I wanted to ask if there is a procedure to check for and remove any "phone home", ID of my buddy or myself, etc., before uploading. Obviously I don't want my buddy (or myself or future recipients) to get in trouble. I am interested in what P-V.C vets do for not only pdfs and epubs, but also video content. Thanks in advance for advice.
  2. Nikon4life

    Nikon4life Legendary Master

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    26 Jan 2020
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    Specific to myself - I've edited PDFs that I've purchased with identifiers using Adobe Acrobat (k'd version) and then re-built the file.

    As for videos: Used Handbrake to re-encode (with minimal, if any noticeable) difference in quality [helps to minimize space as well] - some videos are massive in size these days . . . grossly large - especially those that are streamed . . . :eek:

    As a side note: I usually wait a period of time between obtaining said item to sharing same; this should obscure the obvious potential link relative to ID/Date.

    I'm sure there are those here that can offer some "best practices" for maintaining anonymity specific to your question; looking forward to any and all responses . . . :D
    Last edited: 15 Sep 2023
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  3. dinobytes

    dinobytes Gold

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    same. I wait a period of time prior to sharing, making it less likely to be linked