Me either... I just use Dehancer myself. I have bought many MotionVFX and some other plug ins bc I get 3-4 plugins for the price of one and they are hard to come by shared. But I would never pay for FilmBox and hardly anybody would and is why it will most likely never be shared, not to mention the way it may have to be activate in order to work. Kind of like Neatvideo for noise reduction. It is the longest going thread that no one has been able to share on another forum I am a member of. Going on 7 years and no share. And it is only 190.00US$ for the full 4K version and is the best noise reduction plugin there is for video. But Davinci has the second best and I have that if I really need noise reduction.
I think it is 1500.00 for perp license, but there is a 4000.000 option I think I saw, either way it is WAY to expensive unless you are a full time movie post production agency which could justify that cost charging for your services which I and most of us are NOT....LOL
The plugin works offline, using VPN wont affect its behaviour. Yeah there's less virus for mac, I think mac version wont have virus
Maybe combining as you say, perhaps making a combo like: - Coloristfoundry (last one) - Linny VFX (interested in this bc its xmp files that work with Camer Raw) - another one you like since these aren’t subscription/ license based, I think it’s easier to catch them assuming a lot o people here would be “in” for a gb… …just a morning thinking !
Still waiting for this one I had the opportunity to test it for 3 months when it was on black friday sale, one of the best plugins imo...