These essential go-to techniques will help you master selections and masks; simple masks, gradient masks, luminance masks, contour masks and more. Plus, learn to control the position and quality of every transition and edge. John Paul Caponigro, the author of Adobe Photoshop Master Class, is an internationally renowned artist. A contributing editor for Digital Photo Pro, Camera Arts, and, he teaches workshops both privately in his studio and at select public venues. A member of the Photoshop Hall of Fame, a Canon Explorer of Light, and an Epson Stylus Pro, his clients include Adobe, Apple, and Kodak. Hidden Content: **Hidden Content: You must click 'Like' before you can see the hidden data contained here.**
Sorry, the link above is dead. Please use the following mirror: Hidden Content: **Hidden Content: You must click 'Like' before you can see the hidden data contained here.** I can't update the original post, maybe a mod can do it for me. Thanks
MIRROR: Hidden Content: **Hidden Content: You must click 'Like' before you can see the hidden data contained here.**
Thanks to OP @petersan and @vaikkon John Paul Caponigro, the author of Adobe Photoshop Master Class. Wonderful artist, I subscribed to his newsletter for a while, but all it was was self-promotions. Can't ever afford his prices, so thank you for any John Paul Caponigro videos
I will check tonight when I get home but I'm afraid this is one of the files that was lost forever after one of my external hard drives failed.
Here is a mirror Hidden Content: **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by Gold Members(click for instructions) after they click 'Like'.**