I want my 1800 Likes & 450+ Messages back!!!

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Complaints' started by DesertFox, 28 Aug 2024.

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  1. curiousdude

    curiousdude Master

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    8 Jan 2024
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    Whoo boy! Step away for a day and I miss a lot, apparently. First @DesertFox - seeing how your situation has been resolved and changes have been made going forward, it seems unnecessary to continue commenting on the nuances of the situation, but I did want to acknowledge that you said this and that I appreciate the kind remarks. It's tough to "read" people through a written forum like this (especially one where some privacy and secrecy is inherently baked into the point of the group), so the quality (or lack thereof) of our written words is all we get to build any semblance of camaraderie.

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  2. curiousdude

    curiousdude Master

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    Secondly @george - well done on providing a satisfactory solution. I think this will be an improvement overall, despite the likelihood that there's less incentive to keep posts alive now. Still, archiving will certainly help keep things a little cleaner.

    If I could offer one more suggestion to address an issue that I think the conversation in this thread highlights: it would be great if all rules were consolidated into one location. As @Nikon4life highlighted in his screenshots about the "trusted member" change - rule changes announced in threads are great for resolving the immediate issue but can be really tough to track down later and can often conflict with other rules in other threads. Your recent change of rules around the use of the "Soon" label is a good example of how a rule change should be handled in my opinion. You announced the change in its immediate context and then promptly changed the main rules thread. I'd like to encourage you and the rest of the team to continue to do that going forward so we can have one authoritative source without having to hunt for things. Not only will this help us stay in the know, but I have to imagine it'll make your life easier, too, when you have to enforce a rule.
    Nikon4life and DesertFox like this.
  3. DesertFox

    DesertFox Professional

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    23 Sep 2021
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    You, as expected, bring up some very good points here. I hope @george can find the time to follow through with all this and will seriously take your and @Nikon4life's suggestions in stride. It would be nice to see you both on some kind of advisory board to assist @george and @h1ghm1nd going forward. It would help take the load off and make this fun for all concerned. From my seat, and I most certainly don't know much about many of the outstanding members here, but I would also like to see @Coraline involved as well.
    OSCARMarte and Coraline like this.
  4. Fearless

    Fearless Moderator

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    1 Feb 2019
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    First, not everything needs to be asked about, as I said it's just an emoji that expresses a smile.
    I have never studied before about the difference between each emoji and when and how to use them, but it seems you did.
    Are you ok?
    I didn't mean to disrespect you by calling you grandpa, This is an expression of respect for elders.
  5. Fearless

    Fearless Moderator

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    1 Feb 2019
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    You seem to be feeling a bit inadequate.
    I am just a member like you, everyone here helps in one way or another, I don't have any extra privileges, maybe I have extra tasks to help and nothing more
    You don't have to feel this way. :rolleyes:
  6. Mr.Adel

    Mr.Adel Apprentice III

    6 Aug 2021
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    DesertFox is, in my opinion, one of the most respected members of the forum. He has helped
    many people, and I am one of them.

    I remember when I had a problem with the Retouch4me plugin. I described the issue, and it
    turned out that this problem occurred for everyone using the plugin. DesertFox took an active
    role in solving the problem. He approached it very seriously.

    He researched technical solutions, searched for information online, and even communicated on
    forums where people speak different languages. I witnessed this personally.

    If someone dislikes his communication style, they should consider that silly questions can annoy
    others. Often, people are reluctant to do things themselves, even the simplest tasks. They prefer
    when someone does everything for them. There are many such people. What matters is not how
    he speaks, but what he says. It's important to understand the difference.

    Personally, I am grateful to DesertFox and the users of this site who strive to make it better. People
    from all over the world come here thanks to these individuals. The administration should understand

    I can say for sure that I could never accomplish even half of what DesertFox has done. I struggle
    to gather likes to achieve "gold." 99% of the participants on this site can't do that either, even if they
    really want to.

    Once again, thank you DesertFox for your hard work and support. I hope everything will be OK for you.

    Sorry for my English. I'm using an online translator. I hope everything is clear.;)
    DesertFox likes this.
  7. DesertFox

    DesertFox Professional

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    23 Sep 2021
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    @Fearless - The last thing I've have ever felt was inadequate, especially where you're concerned. You started all this BS by simply not answering my simple question. Now you want to go on and on, trying to cover your ass for a lack of common knowledge. I only wanted to know if your post was honest or simply stated sarcastically ... which using a rollingeyes emoji would indicated. All you had to do was answer the question directly ... one way or the other.

    It was not my intention or in my best interests to embarrass you ... you're a moderator here, and supposedly well thought of. I am not a fool, but I'm also not afraid to speak my piece and ask simple questions. I don't know you. You don't know me. People formulate opinions about others they don't know many times incorrectly.

    You're use of "grandpa" was not done in a respectful manner and you know it. You keep asking foolish questions as to whether I'm OK, or make comments like "you are strange" ... perhaps trying to convince any others reading this that something is wrong with me. You are the one going on and on, carrying this well past the point of pleasant return. Had you just responded earlier that you didn't know the meaning of the rollingeyes emoji, all this would have been done with.
    OSCARMarte likes this.
  8. DesertFox

    DesertFox Professional

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    23 Sep 2021
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    Wow! I am speechless Mr.Adel. Thank you so much for your support and expressed appreciation. I won't forget your kindness. Few people would take the time necessary to write such a testimony. It translated perfectly in my opinion. Again, thank you. This has touched my heart.
  9. Nikon4life

    Nikon4life Legendary

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    26 Jan 2020
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    You do write kind words and you shan't struggle for Gold - at least not today - I just gifted ya 1 month - cheers! Happy September 1st! cheers.gif
    DesertFox likes this.
  10. DesertFox

    DesertFox Professional

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    23 Sep 2021
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    @Nikon4life - Please tell me how to do this and I will do the same. Thank you.
  11. Fearless

    Fearless Moderator

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    1 Feb 2019
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    Even though you used dirty words and insulted me twice so far, ''You keep asking foolish questions'' ''trying to cover your ass for a lack of common knowledge".
    For the first time in my 5+ years here, I have never had a problem with anyone.
    At first I was really happy that your problem was solved and everyone was satisfied.
    You the one who was picky & made a problem without a problem when you took an emoji as disdain.
    Why do you want me to give you a satisfactory answer to an accusation that you see as a question?

    You weren't being nice to ask this from the start, Even when a member pointed out to you that you are thinking wrong and that you are picky، your response was disrespectful. "I don't see how it concerns you either way?"

    Actually, I don't care anymore if you believe me or not.
    But when I call someone older than me, uncle or grandfather, this is a way of respecting the elders, at least in my country.

    However, I am sorry.
    I hope this ends what is happening.
  12. Nikon4life

    Nikon4life Legendary

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    26 Jan 2020
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    Go to the Store Section of the forum -

    Hover your mouse pointer over the last line-item and you'll be presented with an option to SEND GIFT or PURCHASE button(s). When you click on SEND GIFT - one merely need enter the name of the intended recipient . . .

    One point of matter however, I don't believe one can Gift a member Gold when s/he actively has it (I'm pretty sure one has to wait until that particular month is up and then do so; but I could be incorrect) . . . to make it easier for myself (if the member already has Gold) - I just tell them to DM me at a time of their choosing and let me know when they want it [they usually reference the post where it was initially offered] . . . :)
    Last edited: 2 Sep 2024
    umatpati and DesertFox like this.
  13. DesertFox

    DesertFox Professional

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    23 Sep 2021
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    @Fealess - I am sorry for this misunderstanding between us as well. However, I did NOT use dirty words or mean to insult you unless it was in response to one of your many insults. The fact that you are from another country perhaps explains and excuses your continued abuse, but this information is not known until you state it. I could give two hoots what others have to say that jump into a conversation that they themselves know nothing about. You noticed that following my reply back to him, he immediately left the conversation. I explained that he was wrong, and he agreed and left the conversation. So that argument doesn't hold water.

    Had you bother to read the private conversation to you before bothering to post this rubbish, we could have ended it in a much better fashion.
  14. DesertFox

    DesertFox Professional

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    23 Sep 2021
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    @Nikon4life - Thank you. Your suggestion is well taken and I will follow up with @Mr.Adel private and let him know that I will be most happy to gift him a monthly Gold Membership when your gift expires.
    Nikon4life likes this.
  15. jmgcg1

    jmgcg1 Master

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    29 May 2018
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    But that was a problem. A member I criticized a lot for doing nothing and post only Please Re-upload,a lot of times minutes after somebody already asked to re-upload, diosdado, was badged as Trusted Member, and most times he said the link was down when the Link as alive, other members also criticized him for that
    I once ask, how can this member be Trusted when most of the time he only asks to re-upload stuff that is online
    I think a trusted member should be given to a member that contributes with material and keep is posts/links alive. For me that is Trust
    Last edited: 4 Sep 2024
  16. DesertFox

    DesertFox Professional

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    23 Sep 2021
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    @jmgcg1 - I agree with you. One of the reasons I wanted my Messages returned was because when I left it was my understanding that members were considered "Trusted" when they reached 1,000 messages. But @george told me the other day that to be consider "trusted" a member must now have achieved 102400 "Likes". I am not sure if he was joking or not, but if that is the case I unfortunately will never be considered "trusted" on this site. :(
  17. Nikon4life

    Nikon4life Legendary

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    I, as of recent discussion, thought this "badge" was retired because of those weaknesses observed above - but did see someone [clearly a veteran of the site if looking at the Join date] (and I'm sure some others) with such tagging: Still begging the question of what new criteria defines such status.


    I feel I can be trusted within the realm of this forum - but I don't feel comfortable in the sense of organizing and distributing a Group Buy for those reasons previously mentioned; namely maintaining anonymity . . .
    DesertFox likes this.
  18. curiousdude

    curiousdude Master

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    8 Jan 2024
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    I definitely agree it was too low of a bar. I just made that comment simply to say that I remembered 1k messages being tied to that badge previously, that's all.
  19. jmgcg1

    jmgcg1 Master

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    Yup, because that way it was easy to earn that. Only post, Thank You, Cheers, Please Re-upload until 1k and, bang, have the badge
    OSCARMarte likes this.
  20. DesertFox

    DesertFox Professional

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    23 Sep 2021
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    I have no problem what it's set at, but having to obtain the plateau of 102400 "Likes" is ridiculous! Back before you & @Caroline joined, I don't recall anyone else reaching 1,000 messages in less than a year (much less than a year in Coraline's case), and I would consider either of you very "trustworthy" (Trusted). It was a badge of honor, that has now been taken away from us. As I've said before, none of us are here contributing material, knowledge and experiences to earn money. There isn't any money to be earned! We do it in part (perhaps a major part) for the additional status. I have to admit trying to honesty reach the goal of 1,000 Messages and be considered "Trusted" was why I very much wanted my Messages returned. So, I was disappointed that it had been removed.

    There are always going to be people who try to abuse any system. As members it is our duty to report such activity to @george.
    OSCARMarte likes this.
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