Partnerships - Cons and Benefits

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by NanaNikon, 6 Nov 2019.

  1. NanaNikon

    NanaNikon Grand Master

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    31 Mar 2018
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    I have a dilemma and I'm hoping someone here is knowledgeable on this subject lol...even opinions whether right or wrong are welcome!

    First, and tiny back story to explain why I would consider this! I've been a photographer for 15 years...not all my work is something I'm proud of lol, but that's how long I've been at it. I have an adult daughter who has cystic fibrosis, and her health isn't good at all these days (she's actually in the hospital with pneumonia as I type this), and I help her with life in general, but I also help care for her 3 children (one of which is severely handicapped). A year ago I shut down my business because I just can't keep up with life and this business, so one had to go.

    Ever since shutting down however, I've been getting a lot of inquiries, and I've shot a few weddings. I'm considering doing a relaunch, but I just can't allow my business to overwhelm my life. My first step was to hire an editor...I found a great guy here and I couldn't be happier, but if things take off like I hope, I may be searching for another editor to help please send me your info if you could like to be considered ;-)

    Ok, so here's the part I need help/advice on. I'm considering partnering up with other photographers in my area...kinda like an agency that sends out photographers. I will own the company/business, and I will have photographers who are amazing at what they specialize in, that I can book for jobs that come up...and that way I can take on what I can do, but put one of my photographers on jobs that I can't possibly take I making sense because I feel like I'm rambling on here lol

    If you think this could be a great idea, would you suggest hiring them on a percentage type of pay (like Bella Baby does) or on a set amount per session they do? Also, would you think a Bella Baby type of business would be ideal, or maybe do it as a listing agency...where they pay to have me refer their business for bookings?

    My other dilemma is, if I run it like a Bella Baby (sorry, they are the only one that comes to mind at the moment when I think of how I would do this lol), would you suggest I hire on amateurs that I can train, or pros that are already great, but don't want the hassle of owning their own business...I'm assuming that hiring a photographer that already has an established business would cause problems...unless I do this as a listing agency??? I'm assuming I'll need special contracts made as well.

    I'm hoping to get a team of photographers, stylists, makeup artists, videographers, session planners and maybe even wedding planners! I could do it as a full on boutique studio! Oh the possibilities are endless!!!! HAHAHA! Ok, so what do you think? Am I crazy, or do I have a great idea here?
  2. Crabcreek

    Crabcreek Professional

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    20 Feb 2019
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    It is a business model that can work, but it will for sure attract a specific type of client - the one for whom photography is a commodity, not a value-item. The one who only wants photos, not an experience. A Walmart shopper so to speak.
    My photography is all about building relationships, and adding value that goes beyond pieces of paper or digital files.
    I think of photography as a personal service, much like doctors and lawyers and hairdressers, etc. While I'm ok to go to the walk-in clinic for a cold, and see whomever doctor is working ... when it deals with serious matters of my long-term health, I want to go to a doctor whom I can trust and whom I have a relationship with.
    Which type of client will go to a business and say "I want a photographer ... whoever is on duty." You have to ask yourself that.
    So while your "disposable photographer" business model is valid, I would just worry about the type of client that would attract. Because you know that with those clients come a whole world of hurt, right? They're cheap, and they want more than they are willing to pay for.
    NZ Smith and NanaNikon like this.
  3. NanaNikon

    NanaNikon Grand Master

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    31 Mar 2018
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    This is exactly why I hesitate to fall in love with this concept @Crabcreek ...UGH yep this is my fear! I worked as a studio manager at the Walmart studio several years ago...I would NEVER want my business to become that! I'm not thinking of having more than 3 or 4 other photographers, for second shooters, and niche shooters... but if it cheapens my image, or the reputation of professional photography in general, then it's not worth it, but if I can pull it off with a nice studio space, and only a few photographers to choose from, and set our standards and pricing to reflect a reputable, professional service...this might work!
  4. kitty00

    kitty00 Professional

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    20 Nov 2018
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    I think you can do it, it will just take lots of patience and time. SLR Lounge started out specialized in wedding but they evolved overtime and added more associates. Think of Amazon, they started out selling books! I think you just need to start building your brand first and other things will come. Just my 2 cents.
    NZ Smith and NanaNikon like this.
  5. Hovis Brown

    Hovis Brown Professional

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    8 Jul 2017
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    I think the model could work on the basis of you getting more inquiries than you can fulfil on your own. There is the possibility of taking on a variety of photographers that are between amateurs and pro. I would personally avoid taking on amateurs that you would train because this would eat into your time and that wouldn't really be covered financially. You could have a tiered system that would showcase different photographers at different price brackets so that clients have a choice as to what they can afford (or are willing to stretch to). I think Peter Hurley's studio has something similar set up. I would take a percentage of the overall fee instead of a flat fee as it would make increasing prices later on (and what you would receive in return) easier to manage.

    So without rambling too much, i think it's definitely possible. Doing cost analysis is going to be key here. To ensure that the photographers you take on are happy giving up a percentage of the overall fee, they also need to see that you take care of all the 'boring' stuff like taking bookings, arranging travel, promotion, etc.

    Really good question to put out to the hive mind here, so hopefully you'll get a range of opinions.
    NanaNikon likes this.
  6. NanaNikon

    NanaNikon Grand Master

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    31 Mar 2018
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    I think your right! @Crabcreek definitely gave me some good things to think about. I don't want to cheapen this by having "disposable" photographers. IF this is going to work out, I've got to be patient and pay attention to every detail. What I'm hoping to achieve is having a group of photographers (YES, Lin and Jirsa ( and SLR Lounge is exactly where my mind went when I started thinking about this!)...maybe 4, that would specialize in specific genres, so for instance, if somebody booked a boudoir session, I would set them up with a consultation with "Kathy" because boudoir is what she's great at...also, a couple of hair and makeup artists/stylists, and maybe somebody to help out with weddings...I would need both a second shooter and maybe somebody to just be there to help out. I might do the sales sessions, but then again I might have somebody who's great at sales do all the sales sessions and ordering. I haven't gotten that deep into the thinking process yet hahaha! If I go this route, I would want people who are loyal, and would be a great asset to my business. With this kind of help, I could take on more sessions...right now I'm doing good to handle 1 session or wedding a month...that doesn't pay the bills! lol
  7. NanaNikon

    NanaNikon Grand Master

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    31 Mar 2018
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    Yes!! Great advice here!!! I forgot that Peter Hurley's studio does this as well! I of course don't want too many people and I don't make any money...but I think the right amount of people, if things are done right, this could work! Yeah I was considering doing a training class when I've got my crew on board, and maybe do monthly or maybe bi monthly meetings to see where everybody is at
    need2know likes this.
  8. Robert

    Robert Apprentice III

    3 Mar 2018
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    A lot of business would have no issues hiring an agency photographer. You would need to be upfront with the clients but if they know you can connect them to an awesome headshot tog one week and a food the next you would still be building trust with them but it would be trust in your skills of finding them a matching talent and less trust in your image making talents.
    Kocaman and NanaNikon like this.
  9. NanaNikon

    NanaNikon Grand Master

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    31 Mar 2018
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    @vrdude @george @h1ghm1nd @convectuoso I made a mistake posting this in the help section and not in the lounge...I actually got confused on what the help section was for...and I needed help...hahaha! Is it possible to move this thread to the lounge? I've very interested in hearing what others have to say about this topic...TIA <3

    OMG hahaha I'm stupid! I just saw that it has already been moved...THANK YOU!
  10. NanaNikon

    NanaNikon Grand Master

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    31 Mar 2018
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    I agree...and that part might be hard for me...I'm used to being a one woman show lol. I still want to shoot, I'm not completely stepping back, but I've been doing this for 15 years now. I'm 54 years old and I'm tired...but don't want to give up! I've strived for that beautiful boutique studio for years. I want large portraits hanging on the walls, separate BEAUTIFUL session rooms, chandeliers, and a happy, welcoming studio that puts your fears at ease when you walk through the doors...but my sad life with my beautiful daughter being so sick has kept me from moving forward, and I actually get knocked back really hard when I finally start seeing my business grow. I've finally come to a point in my career that I can say...I need help. I need to partner with other photographers who can help keep my business alive when my life has to pull me away, and maybe even breathe life back into my once thriving business! If I can own the studio, and shoot a couple of sessions a week, but have my staff keep things flowing smoothly during the week, I would be happy...I'm old...and tired! hahaha!
    Kocaman likes this.
  11. Kocaman

    Kocaman Professional

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    28 May 2019
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    Well said, I couldn't agree more with this statement.
    NanaNikon likes this.
  12. NanaNikon

    NanaNikon Grand Master

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    31 Mar 2018
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    Thank you @Kocaman !
    Kocaman likes this.
  13. NanaNikon

    NanaNikon Grand Master

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    31 Mar 2018
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    I'm very much interested in opinions here...even if they are to totally disagree with me! I want to hear what you have to say, and if you agree or disagree, please tell me why! Making a huge mistake is what I'm terrified of doing! If you have experience in this subject or no experience at all, and all you have is an opinion...please do share!! <3