Dead GOLD - Syd Field’s Screenwriting Workshop

Discussion in 'Trash' started by robustKID, 9 Jul 2020.

  1. robustKID

    robustKID Gold

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    Whether you are working on your first screenplay or are a seasoned professional looking for technical help from the master himself, Syd Field’s Screenwriting Workshop is an invaluable writing tool that you will rely upon again and again. Available for the first time on video, this legendary course will help you convert your idea into a properly structured screenplay, one you will feel confident submitting to film studios and production companies worldwide.

    Syd Field is regarded by entertainment professionals as the foremost authority on the craft of screenwriting. For over 25 years he has taught and guided thousands of professional screenwriters, many of whom have gone on to become the biggest names in Hollywood. Syd Field’s exclusive course is limited to 12 students and is given only a few times a year. The video version takes you on the same educational journey, in the comfort of home, at your own time and pace.

    Here’s what some people have to say about Syd Field’s Screenwriting Workshop:

    “I just got this video and I am so excited! I’ve read his books before, but this video is so inspiring and so easy to follow, I know I can write the screenplay that I’ve so often thought about writing.” –A Viewer in New York

    “I’m a published novelist, and have also been writing screenplays for several years now, but I’ve always had the feeling that I’m missing something, that I’m really not really grasping the distinctions between a novel and screenplay. Then a friend of mine turned me on to Syd Field’s Video. What a revelation! What a miraculous learning experience. He’s like my personal mentor. He takes me step by step through the entire process, using examples that make things clear and precise…now I have a new insight and understanding about the craft of screenwriting. I cannot tell you how much I’ve learned from this course. It’s wonderful. Buy it, buy it, buy it!” –A Viewer in Boston

    “Syd Field’s Screenwriting Workshop is a magnificent guideline for the beginner, intermediate and advanced screenwriter. He provides the viewer with critical information that would help to push your screenplay in the right direction.” –A Viewer from Florida

    Click here to read MacReviewZone’s exclusive interview with Syd Field.

    IS SOLD OUT!!!


    The course is broken into four individual sections:

    Part I – Getting Started
    Forming the idea into a dramatic entity with beginning, middle and end:
    “¢ Isolating the idea
    “¢ Creating the subject
    “¢ Breaking it down into action and character
    “¢ The nature of screenplay structure
    “¢ Structuring your story line
    “¢ Writing the four-page treatment

    Part II – Creating Character
    The heart, soul and nervous system of your screenplay:

    “¢ What makes a good character
    “¢ The essence of dramatic need
    “¢ Creating the character biography
    “¢ The tools of character
    “¢ The circle of being

    [​IMG] Part III – Writing The Screenplay
    Here’s what we do and how we do it:
    “¢ Set up the story
    “¢ Write the story
    “¢ Structure the screenplay into acts
    “¢ Stress the importance of the first ten pages
    “¢ Determine the plot points
    “¢ Set up and prepare Act II
    “¢ Establish Pinch I and Pinch II
    “¢ Establish the sub-dramatic context

    Part IV – Rewriting the Screenplay
    All writing is rewriting:

    “¢ Approaching the rewrite
    “¢ Rethinking what you have written
    “¢ Redefining and re-establishing the theme, premise, and dramatic action
    “¢ The tools of rewriting
    “¢ Discovering character through action
    “¢ Sharpening and focusing character
    “¢ Setting up and paying off the elements of the story line

    Website :

    [dead GOLD link removed]
    Last edited by a moderator: 28 Aug 2021
    shanelllio, goldpt, khabibos and 57 others like this.
  2. VENOM

    VENOM Moderator

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  3. Ursula

    Ursula New Member

    28 Mar 2020
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    can you please re-upload
  4. diosdado

    diosdado Silver IV

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    21 Jun 2022
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    pls re upload thanks
  5. ostgut

    ostgut New Member

    28 Aug 2023
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    would it be possible to reubpload please?