Low quality tuts on last month

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by visualsoft, 7 Aug 2020.

  1. visualsoft

    visualsoft Gold Nova

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    Are you having the feeling that at least on the last month here no good quality tutorials and I see a lot of requested tuts but not full filled.
    I am afraid , but Hope no, my second month
    Gold with not expire not seeing something new here.
    Maybe is holiday time :D
    Just my opinion
    Last edited: 7 Aug 2020
    Leona95 likes this.
  2. xjjx

    xjjx Master

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    Kind of "uncontrolled" membership leads to more members/materials :) but also inevitably to a sort of web vacuum cleaner :(
    I would suggest (to @george @h1ghm1nd ) limiting the possibility of accessing the Request Section...example: only members with 100 likes
    Leona95 and puppetwarp like this.
  3. lkngood

    lkngood Global Elite

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    I don't believe the admins have a grip on the membership, or the sharing on here anymore.

    Many many posts of common warez shares, and like visual said above, peeps scrounging for material to share just to glean likes.

    Sad really, as the forum at the get go had quality shares, posters, and a median of diplomacy. Now.....not so much.
    Too many members, running amuck, saying and doing whatever they like, not reading or complying with the rules.
    So, ya get what ya get, when it gets outta hand.
    Leona95 and puppetwarp like this.
  4. Mystic Wolf

    Mystic Wolf Master

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    Totally Agree with @lkngood
    I feel its the duty of each and every member to contribute to this forum. People who don't / never contribute will be limited to XXX downloads or likes.
    This way everyone will be encouraged to post, know the hardwork involved in Uploading, posting, and also understand the pain when their content is leaked in other Forums. I'm not being a sadist. Just my thoughts..
    Leona95 and moonwalker like this.
  5. moonwalker

    moonwalker Legendary

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    most of the contents shared by me are bought using my own money, I budget some funds from my income monthly to buy tuts that i need. If i have an extra fund, I will try to fulfil the requested tuts in this forum.

    If i join the GB in here, i won't share the same GB tuts in here again. Because the GB content belongs to the admin.

    I may don't have wide access to other tuts sources outside which able me to get or trade and share in here.
    Most of my tuts are purchased by myself.

    So like @Mystic Wolf said above, know the hard work involved in Uploading, posting, and also understand the pain when their content is leaked in other Forums. This is so true.

    As long this problem is not controlled, there will be some hesitation in sharing a premium content which will end in the other forums.
    Last edited: 11 Aug 2020
    ariel, xiaoyuer, Massimiliano and 6 others like this.
  6. ariel

    ariel Silver IV

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    Hmm the holiday time is surely a reason why no good Stuff is shared.
    The points moonwalker1985 mentioned are also a reason - totally agree.

    Another reason is, that if you don`t involve in a GB -> you don`t get the stuff immediately.
    I can`t complain about that, because i participate now in some GB and took it on my own to organize them :)

    In Fact...this Forum works great!
    lkngood likes this.