12 Mobile Lightroom, Sounds of Spring

Discussion in 'Lightroom Presets' started by semsari111, 25 Jun 2023.

  1. semsari111

    semsari111 Skilled

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    1 Apr 2022
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    It is our pleasure to see you at Mattte Studio Store!

    —–About This Lightroom Mobile Collection—–
    Make beautiful and clean edits with the Sounds of Spring mobile preset collection.
    Enhance all the colors of your photos (without damaging the skin tone) with just one click.
    Give your photos a dark look and make all the colors in the image more mature with these mobile presets.
    Ideal for landscapes, nature, outdoors, selfies, modeling, family photos and more…
    —-This set includes—–
    -12 Unique lightroom mobile presets (.dng file)
    -1 installation guide For Lightroom Mobile preset (.pdf file)
    —–More details about these presets—–
    -Works with free Lightroom mobile App
    -Compatible with iPhone and Android device
    -Instantly download the digital file
    -Works on RAW and JPEG images
    -100% adjustable and customizable Lightroom presets


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    zokta, Zaara79, marcelo-photo and 2 others like this.