Aescripts Cartoon Moblur v1.5.3 mac

Discussion in 'Video Effects' started by pamscot, 7 Sep 2020.

  1. pamscot

    pamscot Grand Master

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    12 Oct 2018
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    Aescripts Cartoon Moblur v1.5.3 mac

    Version 1.5 features:

    • Compatible with all transformations, including 3D.
    • Compatible with parented animation.
    • Alternate motion source parameter, allowing you to apply the effect to an adjustment layer and have it affect all layers underneath
    • Compatible with bezier path (aka curvasceous) animation.
    Version 1.0 limitations:

    • Input layer must have collapse transformations on (this limitation remains on v1.5)
    • Not compatible with parented animation.
    • Compatible with 2D rotation but not 3D rotation.
    • Compatible with X & Y position and anchor transforms but not Z. However Z axis transforms can easily be simulated using scale.
    • Takes the shortest direct path between keyframes, therefore it does not honor bezier path (aka curveasceous) animation.

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