Gold Aescripts – Lockdown 1.5.7 Full Crack, track warping surfaces inside After Effects

Discussion in 'Video Effects' started by Vag84, 16 Nov 2020.

  1. Vag84

    Vag84 New Member

    21 May 2020
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    Lockdown is a revolutionary new plug-in that allows you to track warping surfaces inside After Effects.


    To use the Plug-in, please follow the instructions labeled 1-8.

    1) Pre-Compose
    The layer that Lockdown is applied to, and the Composition that layer is in, must have the same resolution and framerate for Lockdown to work. This button is optional, but it's recommended that you use it to pre-compose your layer into a composition that matches the layer's resolution and framerate, and work inside that pre-comp.

    2) Optional Tracking Filter
    This optional button applies effects that sometimes allow our tracker and Mocha to better identify textures. It's probably not necessary when using Vector Tracking. It's basically an edge detect with a lot of contrast. You should be in 16 or 32-bit mode when using this filter. Running a denoiser on the original footage, and again on the final result also improves trackability. This is great for a shot where lighting is changing, because it brings out details in cracks and surfaces, and tends to ignore larger gradients. You'll want to delete these effects once tracking is done, after Step 5.

    3) Generate Points
    You can create points individually, or within a lasso region. Please note the After Effects UI MUST BE ON to do this or any other interaction with Lockdown. If you can't see your masks, anchor points, bezier handles, etc... Your After Effects Effect UI is off. Turn it back on.

    Lasso Grid Pixel Distance: This is how far apart the points of the lasso grid are. It's generally recommended to use the largest number you can, therefor having the smallest amount of points.

    UI Toggle: Control/Apple+Shift+H

    Create Point: Control/Apple + Click

    Create a lasso region of points: Control/Apple Click and drag around an area.

    Delete single point: Option/alt+Click

    Delete within a lasso region: Option/alt+Click and drag around the points.

    Select multiple points: Click and drag around them
    or shift-click to add to selection.

    Add extension points: Ctrl/CMD+shift+option/alt+click

    Delete edges with blade tool: Alt-Shift click and drag across the edges.

    Click 'nothing' to de-select

    Please note that you can only draw points on one frame at a time. If you draw points on frame 1, then go to frame 20, and create a new point, all frames will be re-located to frame 20. (This was not an intentional design choice, we hope to someday change this.)

    Mocha/Face Tracker Import
    This button will search the layer Lockdown is on. If it finds exposed Mocha points, or Face Tracker effect points, it will import them into Lockdown as externalized points. It is at the top of the Plug-in.

    4) Track Points
    Point Track Method: Three options for tracking points.

    Accurate: This does well on most shots, with average accuracy and speed.

    Fast: This mode is very fast, but only works on the simplest of shots. It is going to be depricated, we'd recommend not using it.

    Connected Vectors: This is by far the most accurate method for tracking points, and we highly recommend using it every time. You will be required to render an EXR pass with your footage, which contains tracking vectors. There are three modes. Extremely Accurate is very slow to render the EXR pass, but easily the best. Accurate provides some middle ground, however we would recommend using "Extremely Accurate". Fast mode is very very fast, and is useful on simple shots. After the EXR pass is generated, tracking the points will be VERY fast because it's merely pushing points along the vectors, not actually doing any heavy tracking.

    Full Vector Setup: This script will duplicate your layer, and apply the "Generate Vectors Plugin" to it, with the Vector Tracking Method above. It will set these motion vectors to render, and after the render, is set to replace the very slow rendering composition with a very fast reading EXR pass. You must interpret the EXR pass to "Preserve RGB", or it will not work.

    Press to Track Points
    This takes all the points in the step above and attempts to track them to the footage. You MUST keep the Lockdown Effect selected while tracking, with After Effects up and activated. Sorry for the inconvenience, again, this was not an intentional design choice, but a limitation of our first version.

    After your first round of tracking, we'd recommend watching your footage very closely. You may need to add more tracks. When a track is not visible, that means it has no keyframes on that frame. You may choose to go back to step 3 and add more tracking points, then press this button again to add these new points to the track. To edit tracks manually, please check out the sections on "Internalize Selected Points" and "Externalize Selected Points".

    4.1) Delete backward keyframes
    For the selected keyframes, delete all keyframes earlier in time. Useful for quickly cleaning tracks.

    4.2) Delete forward keyframes
    For the selected keyframes, delete all keyframes later in time.

    4.3) Delete Adjust point
    Adjustment keyframes are created when clicking and dragging a point. They are represented by a crossshair. Go to a frame with an adjustment point on it, select the point, then press this button to delete it.

    4.4) Delete Adjust track
    Deletes all adjustment points on a selected point.

    4.5) Bake selected tracks
    Converts interpolation and adjustments into a base keyframe track. Can be very useful in speeding up a project file. It's recommended to bake all points as soon as they're tracking properly.

    4.6) merge points
    This combines two tracks into a single track. If you track someone's eyeball on the first half a video, then the track goes off because of a blink. Then you track the eye on the back half of the video up to the same blink. This feature is how you would merge those two points. It's recommended that you delete any keyframes for both tracks that are not centered perfectly on target. Then choose the first track at the frame you'd like to blend from, and choose the second track on the frame you'd like to blend from, and press merge tracks. You'll notice both points turn red over the blend area. On the frames they are yellow, they will not be blended/merged.

    5) Interpolate Partial Tracks
    This button is necessary 99% of the time. Let's say you have a shot that's 100 frames long. You have a handful of tracks at the beginning that all die off (contain no keyframe data) after the first 60 frames, so the range is 1-60. You also have tracked points from the end of the shot, that are from the range 40-100. Your two sets of tracks overlap between frames 40-60. By pressing this button, at the time at which any tracks are "dead" and having no keyframes, they will find "living" tracks around them and follow their motions. So even if a track does not live for the entire length of the shot, it can follow your surface VERY accurately by piggybacking on the tracks later in the shot. This solves the problem of tracks just sitting entirely still when they die, and causing parts of your mesh to freeze. The motion from interpolation is represented by keyframes, so in the previous example, all of your keyframe tracks would now show keyframes from the range 1-100, rather than their previous ranges. This interpolation can be toggled on and off, deleting the "interpolated" keyframes as many times as you'd like. The only limitation to be aware of is this works best with "internalized" keyframes. If you're using this option with "externalized" keyframes, you run the risk of the interpolation being baked into the keyframe tracks permanently. It's recommended that all tracks are always internalized when using this option. If you find yourself deleting bad points, or adding new points, you should toggle this option off to delete the previous set of interpolated keys, and then on again to re-generate new interpolation based on your hand cleaned tracks.

    6) Generating a mesh and "Auto Triangulate Mesh"
    Create Mesh Edge: To manually connect two TRACKED points, select one, then Control/Command + Shift + click another point.
    Lockdown can only render quads and triangles. Green lines represent the borders of Quads and Triangles, white lines represent lines that are part of incomplete geometry and not contributing to the mesh. There is no concept of "faces" in Lockdown with which the user can interact. Faces are determined by edge connections.

    Delete edge: Option/Alt+Click

    Auto Triangulate Mesh: Press the button. Please note that quads often render smoother than triangles. Manually drawing a mesh into quads can often provide better results. One easy way to compensate for this, however, is to have MANY dense tracking points, in which triangles will look great.

    7) Lockdown!
    This button sets up a texture to apply to your mesh.
    It creates a "Lockdown Graphics Composition" with a stabilized copy of your mesh inside, and a still frame of the frame you've chosen to stick graphics to.
    It places this composition in the Lockdown Graphics Comp slot to reference the texture.
    It sets the layer to render the mesh with the texture on it, and hides the points and lines.
    It duplicates your layer as a background layer.

    8) UnLockdown!
    This reverts to rendering your layer, rather than the "Lockdown Graphics Comp".
    It sets your points and lines to render again, so it's easy to retrack a shot.

    Please note that if you Lockdown, then UnLockdown a shot, you must press Lockdown on the same frame you had originally, or the graphics will not match. Pressing Lockdown chooses the current frame as the projection frame, so it's important to keep track of that.

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    Last edited: 16 Nov 2020
  2. ramjon

    ramjon New Member

    4 Jul 2022
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    Any chance of a reupload? Thanks so much!