Amateur Photographer - 8 December, 2018 (.PDF)

Discussion in 'Photo eBooks' started by d00dlebugRSA, 9 Dec 2018.

  1. d00dlebugRSA

    d00dlebugRSA Gold

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    23 Apr 2018
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    What’s in AP 8 December 2018

    Join the club
    The Royal Derby Hospital Image Club, for NHS staff members, talks to AP about their passion for photography

    Winter wings
    Oscar Dewhurst explains why winter is a great time for bird photography, and shares his tips

    Twists of fate
    The life and career of Marilyn Stafford has been a series of fortunate, and sometimes bizarre events, as Amy Davies discovers

    Reader Portfolio
    This week, we showcase Fokrul Islam’s landscape images of London

    Perfect portraits
    A special venue can add an extra dimension to your portrait shoots. Make the most of your surroundings – as well as your time – with these top 15 tips

    Raise a glass to Zeiss
    We take a closer look at the Batis 40mm f/2 CF lens, which is designed for Sony full-frame cameras

    Top cameras and lenses 2018
    Thinking of a camera or lens for Christmas? Here are our picks of the best models on the market, to help you decide which is most suited for you

    Final Analysis
    Roger Hicks considers… An image from ‘Caesura’, 2016, by Demetris Koilalous

    7 days
    Tech Talk

    COVER PICTURES © Oscar Dewhurst / Marilyn Stafford



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