(No longer supported.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1fbgJ2sPCQ www.artymate.com Hidden Content: **Hidden Content: You must click 'Like' before you can see the hidden data contained here.** NB: Artymate will only work with Adobe Photoshop CC versions Have your Artymate Creation featured on our Instagram – Hashtag #artymate IMPORTANT COMPATIBILITY NOTICE ISSUED FRIDAY 11th OCTOBER, 2019 Artymate will only work with Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 – 2019, check your software prior to purchase. Due to issues with MacOS Catalina and Photoshop we are unable to support MacOS Catalina and Photoshop CC at this time. Please read the article here for further information: https://petapixel.com/2019/10/08/do...talina-yet-if-you-use-photoshop-or-lightroom/ We recommend that you do not update to MacOS Catalina and retain the Photoshop CC 2019 version on your system to ensure ongoing compatibility of Artymate. What can you do with Artymate? Animate your still image elements including sky, water, waterfalls, and more Animate individual elements with the press of a button Make your birds and butterflies (anything that flaps) flit away Make leaves and foliage fall from your trees Control all the elements in your image with a large choice of animation presets Add video animation including hair, fabric, smoke, fire, particles, fairy dust and more. Match the animation videos to your image exactly Export out a smooth repeating loop that will play on social media platforms including Facebook cover videos, Facebook feed, Instagram, twitter and your website