Request Beauty Photography & Retouching - Nicolás Cuenca

Discussion in 'Photo Requests' started by Mystic Wolf, 11 Oct 2020.

  1. Mystic Wolf

    Mystic Wolf Master

    No Limit
    2 Mar 2020
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    Learn to produce beauty photographs from the idea to the digital retouch
    Highlighting and highlighting the beauty of the human being is what defines the work of Nicolás Cuenca —Argentine photographer specialized in beauty and fashion photography— whose photos have appeared in magazines such as Vanidades or Kunst Magazine and have been featured on beauty portals like Fenty Beauty or MAC Pro.

    In this course you will be introduced to the world of beauty photography and you will learn about the different types of beauty photography, their applications, lighting techniques, workflows, development and digital editing.


    What does this course include?
    • U1
    • U2
      Preparation and equipment
    • U3
      Lighting Techniques
    • U4
      The shooting
    • U5
      Fine development and retouch
    • Pf
      Final project

    You will start by meeting Nicolás, who will tell you about his most important projects, his studies and his influences within the world of photography.

    You will discover the different types of beauty photography and their applications, and then learn how to develop a production brief . You will see how to capture an idea from references and inspirations.

    You will do a review of the equipment necessary for the session, both hardware and software ; from flash and camera to developing and tethering programs .

    You will decide the appropriate camera parameters to photograph your subject and choose the focal lengths that suit it. You will learn how to configure different parameters such as: shutter speed, ISO, flash power or diaphragm aperture, among others.

    You will learn what tethering is and what it is for within the workflow of a photo shoot. You will see how it is possible to apply during the session, a basic development in the images to see them in real time as you work.

    You will see the differences between hard and soft light, when to use one or the other and why it is important to take into account the quality of light to favor different types of skin and generate the desired atmosphere. You will also learn alternatives to position the main light of your photographic session, as well as to use the fill, effect and background lights.

    In addition to artificial lights, you will learn to make a beauty shooting using a source of natural light, accessible to all, such as the light from a window, complemented with bounces and flags to shape it to your liking.

    You will also discover techniques for framing and reframing your photos, exposing the advantages of composing on camera or composing in post-production.

    Once the photos are taken, you will go to digital development. You will start by reviewing the tools to use and then Nicolás will help you make a selection of the most powerful images.

    You will learn to get the most out of your digital negative files, adjusting the contrast, luminosity, curves, levels and color grading , among other options.

    Next, you will go to Adobe Photoshop to make adjustments such as texture corrections and skin retouching, before exporting your files adapted to the platform where the image will be displayed, from social networks or web to prints.

    What is the project of the course?
    You will carry out a beauty portrait session with artificial lighting or natural light and you will carry out the post-production of your photos.


    Who is it for?
    To photographers who want to expand their knowledge in portrait photography and its lighting techniques, focused on beauty photography.

    Intermediate knowledge of photography and basic notions of lighting are required. For post-production, basic knowledge of developing in RAW and Adobe Photoshop.

    As for the materials, you will need a reflex camera with a flash for artificial lighting, a good window as a source of natural light, and a computer with Adobe Photoshop and Capture One installed.


    Cost: $34.99

  2. Mystic Wolf

    Mystic Wolf Master

    No Limit
    2 Mar 2020
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