Blending Textures & Graphics for Beginners, Part 2 Judy Host

Discussion in 'Photo Tutorials' started by dalco, 15 Apr 2020.

  1. dalco

    dalco Apprentice IV

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    23 Jan 2020
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    Create very unique looking images by adding different textures and graphics into your work. This course will explain in very easy terms how to blend different types of digital files together. Using your own textures or 3rd party textures, design your work to look even more extraordinary.

    These videos are introduction to the art of blending images in Photoshop. Judy will take you step by step as she blends textures and graphics into her work. Video 2 introduces blending additional textures and graphics together and in some cases using Vector Art. Techniques are included for creating a painterly look to your work.


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    Blending Textures & Graphics for Beginners, Part 2