Bryan Cox: PowerPack actions

Discussion in 'Actions' started by lkngood, 4 Feb 2022.

  1. lkngood

    lkngood Supreme Elite

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    Power Pack Action Sets (v. 6.0)

    Think of them as pre-programmed buttons for Photoshop that’ll do almost anything you want. This is powerful push-button processing for photographers of all levels.

    And there’s not just a few actions here – there’s so many, they’re broken down into colored sets to keep them organized. And there are 7 ENTIRE SETS. That means a plethora of choices and combinations! Bry’s Photoshop Actions are custom buttons that make your Photoshop better! No matter how much or little you know about Photoshop, these buttons will make everything easier, faster, and better!

    These are Bry Cox’s special techniques for processing an image, all in click-button form. Extremely powerful, very easy to use, and includes a tutorial DVD for instruction to get you going. These are the actions and treatments that Bry uses himself on every image.
