Gold BURN action for Photoshop

Discussion in 'Actions' started by tombol, 26 Apr 2019.

  1. tombol

    tombol Skilled

    Gold Member No Limit
    9 Feb 2018
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    Burn Action it’s second version of the Burn action. Here you can draw the area where you would like to see the fire. In this effect uses photorealistic flames, smoke and glowing particles. After action finishing work you can change the colors of any elements, as well as brightness and contrast of the flame. And the built-in setting help you to add color tone to all image for creation amazing result.

    Link on the detailed video tutorial for this action included in Help file.txt

    This action has been created and optimized for use on Photoshop CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC and ONLY FOR THE ENGLISH VERSION OF PHOTOSHOP. Need to change the language of your version?! How to change language in photoshop watch on youtube.

    How to configure Photoshop to work with actions.

    1. Make sure you are using the English version of Photoshop.

    Each action has been created and optimized to work only with the English version of Photoshop, so please make sure that you are using this version. If not, don’t worry: you can change the language of your version of Photoshop to English (and switch back again)

    By the way, my best selling Double Exposure Action has recently been updated, and you can now use it with the English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Danish and Czech versions of Photoshop.

    2. Use the RGB Mode and 8 Bits color.

    To check these settings, go to Image->Mode and check the “RGB color” and “8 Bits/Channel”.

    3. Make sure that the option “Add ‘copy’ to Copied Layers and Groups” is turned on.

    This option applies only to CS5 and later versions of Photoshop. On the “LAYERS” panel, click on the menu icon, go to “Panel Options…”, and check that the “Add ‘copy’ to Copied Layers and Groups” is turned on.

    4. Use a photo with 72dpi or higher.

    If you are using a photo with less than 72dpi, the action will not function correctly. To fix this, go to Image->Image Size and increase the resolution value.

    5. Set the Opacity of brush to 100%.

    Set the Opacity of the brush to 100%. Select the “Brush Tool” and move the opacity slider to 100%.

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