bye bye paypal

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Complaints' started by george, 20 Nov 2018.

  1. cococo

    cococo New Member

    2 Dec 2018
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    So are we any closer to finding a method to pay for gold?

    I've been thinking of the trophy system and sharing content for likes, but that's just not feasible. The more members this forum will have the worse it's going to get. The ratio of available content to number of users gets smaller by the day. Even if it's possible now (looking and purchasing specifically for posts in request section just to get gold), there is no way for everybody to get gold in the future. Think that for every member there has to be at least one piece of tutorial shared.

    In any case i'm thinking about something, wanted to share to see if it's ok: pay people for likes?
  2. bostonmama

    bostonmama Guest

    Paying people for likes is not good in my opinion. If this group ever creates sort by likes feature with the intention of discovering quality content or most anticipated content - buying likes would distort this. Also, this can create its own barter/trading system within for the likes.

    I agree with your first point that as number of people grow getting to gold status is going to be way harder and a system should be in place to avoid this.
  3. convectuoso

    convectuoso Moderator

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    15 Feb 2018
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    Buying likes? No. That's not what any of this is about.

    You used to be able to pay to subscribe for GM rather than having to get likes to exchange for it.
    bostonmama likes this.