I apologize for this post - the source is corrupt on my side as well. I'll see if I can repair or have another . . . in the meantime - - - if anyone can share their copy via a mirror - most grateful. Again, sorry to waste your time on this . . .
No worries. I figured, based on the way it unpacked (i.e. no corruption in the archive file itself), that the source file you downloaded was corrupt before you got it.
I have to agree - I was able to unpack all except video 1 Hole [that one file appears to be corrupt]; the slo-mo one works though (so if opting to use that file - it can be sped up) . . . but I'm almost positive I've got this somewhere on another drive. So if I run across it again intact - I'll repost here (if someone doesn't fulfill the request first) . . .