cmiVFX - Color Theory For VFX Artists

Discussion in 'Photo Tutorials' started by mwla, 13 Apr 2020.

  1. mwla

    mwla Legendary

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    Chapter Descriptions
    The Science of Color

    Learn about the spectrum as it exists in the universe and how it effects your physical and psychological well being.

    The Visible Spectrum
    Here you'll learn a little bit of the history behind what we've learned over the years. Do humans have the best sight? What ranges of color truly matter when working for film, broadcast or print? Can animals see billboard ads if you use color? Find out all that and more with this fun presentation.

    Color Theory
    This chapter focuses on the building blocks of light science. Learn about all the different color models used in modern computing software and how it applies to moving pictures, print, product design, and even architecture. Also covered in this chapter is the primary, secondary, and tertiary schemes which vary depending on the lighting model.

    Color Wheels
    Included in this chapter is a fun cheat sheet for color that you can keep on your computer desktop. A simple quick look to find the proper science for your project is only seconds away. We also show all of the different types of color wheels in-depth, including handmade ones. This will really give you a feel for the many color schemes in existence. Do you know what square-tetradic means? Well, you will soon!

    Experiencing Color
    Where other training companies would quit, we take it even further by examining how color can effect behavioral, cognitive, and social reaction as well as other human components. Find out why staring at color can bring you into a daze to remember the past, or even trigger a smell without being near that object. This could be a fun place to exercise your own limits by experimenting with what you learn here.

    Color Attributes
    Can color change mood or emotion? How about volume, size, weight, temperature, and even time? The answer is yes, absolutely! We will skyrocket past your typical warm or cold color discussion and learn about all the effects color can have on computer imagery and more.

    Project Color Theory Concept Painting
    In this part of the video, we analyze photography in which we want to base a pitch for look development. We use the open source program called “Krita” to paint a color-theory-based conversion of a cave dwelling photo. Of course, you will learn a few painting tricks, but the main focus is how to remap color onto your creations from images that have no color schemes applied.

    Color Theory in Film Today
    We will ruin TV and movies that you watch forever! When you see how many are using cookie cutter color grading on all the hit block busters, you will never be able to sit through a movie again without calling out what you have learned in this video. At this point, you should be masters of artistic color theory, so go get some! We show color grading in Autodesk Flame, however the lesson is universal to any graphics application out there.

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    Last edited: 10 Mar 2021
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