Cocktails & Drinks Photography Without a Studio or Expensive Lights Setup with Georgi Petrov

Discussion in 'Skillshare' started by whiteboy, 27 Apr 2021.

  1. whiteboy

    whiteboy Silver III

    4 Jul 2020
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    Welcome to your drinks photography class. In this class, you will learn how to take beautiful shots of cocktails & beverages in your home without the need for expensive lights or a studio. Drinks Photography is a form of Still Life Photography, and I want to show you how to get amazing results with minimum lighting and equipment.

    The class-main object shows you how to use continuous lights to create quality images you can share on social media or your website. This class is not for high-end product or beverage photography.

    All you need for this class is your camera, light source from your window, worker light or LED panel to continuous light with a softbox and most of all, your imagination and creative mind.

    I use continuous inexpensive lights for over a year now, growing my Instagram to 16K followers in less than 15 months because of images quality and creative composition.

    Join me and see how you can improve your drinks photography or still life photography without complicated lights setup or the need for a photo studio.

    Please, don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions or if you need help.

    Thank you


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    Last edited: 27 Apr 2021
  2. Arina

    Arina Guest
