Contrastly - Noir & Blanc LR Presets

Discussion in 'Lightroom Presets' started by tarrek, 2 Dec 2018.

  1. tarrek

    tarrek Silver IV

    No Limit
    28 Feb 2018
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    This pack of Black & White Presets contains 40 Lightroom presets, making it easy to create amazing monochrome photos.

    This set of Lightroom presets will make your color photographs shine in black & white! It has been said by many photographers that black & white images have more soul – well our Noir & Blanc Lightroom presets will preserve and even enhance the soul in your images.

    Those presets will help enhance shadows & highlights, adjust the contrast of your b&w images, and also add some vignetting if that’s something you’re into. There is also 20 specialty black & white presets included in the pack for even more monochrome goodness.

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