Craft & Vision: The Created Image Video Series, Vol. 2

Discussion in 'Photo Tutorials' started by Nikon4life, 3 Apr 2020.

  1. Nikon4life

    Nikon4life Legendary Master

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    26 Jan 2020
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    Craft & Vision: The Created Image Video Series, Vol. 2


    Craft & Vision was created as a way to teach the craft and art of photography, with a focus on vision, the creative process, and down-to-earth advice about making stronger photographs without shortcuts or platitudes because you—and this beautiful craft—deserve honesty and depth, not gimmicks.

    01 - The Power of Photography (Steve Simon)

    Join award winning photographer and author Steve Simon as he opens The Created Image with a Wednesday night keynote about The Power of Photography. Steve will share his work and adventures from around the world, while talking about the gift and power of this medium to change both the world around us and who we are as photographers. The keynote will be followed with a wine and cheese reception and our first chance to spend time with each other.

    02 - Beyond Looking - Learning to See (David duChemin)

    Photography has been called the art of seeing. The camera opens our eyes to moments and places in life we might not otherwise see or experience. But seeing isn’t something we do with our eyes alone, it isn’t merely looking. Seeing, in the photographic sense, is about perception. It happens in the mind, and it can be honed. This workshop is a discussion about the ways we perceive, and practical ways we can open our eyes a little wider to things we’ve not yet seen.

    03 - The Digital Darkroom: Less is More (Piet Van den Eynde)

    In this session, Piet Van den Eynde will teach you a number of workflow-enhancing post-production techniques in Lightroom to speed up your post-processing workflow so you can spend more time behind the camera and less behind your monitor. Topics covered include setting camera defaults in Lightroom, working with camera calibration profiles and presets, stacking presets.

    04 - The Photographer, The Storyteller - Part I (Steve Simon)

    The visual language of photography is capable of telling powerful stories; Part One of The Photographer, The Storyteller, is about how we tell those stories in both a single frame and a series of images. Join Steve as he talks through the techniques of the visual storyteller creating work that goes beyond the literal into the lyrical, illustrating his discussion with stunning work made over his career.

    05 - The Photographer, The Storyteller - Part II (Steve Simon)

    Steve resumes the conversation started in Part One of The Photographer, The Storyteller, by discussing further techniques of telling stories photographically. In this session he focuses on editing and sequencing the visual story, using his own work and work from other contemporary photographers as examples followed by a discussion of participants personal project ideas, questions and concerns.

    06 - Dodge & Burn (Piet Van den Eynde)

    Add life and depth to your images. Piet will walk us through the WHY and the HOW of dodging and burning (using Lightroom and Photoshop). This technique is arguably one of the most important steps in post-processing.

    07 - The Power of Black & White - Part I (Piet Van den Eynde)

    In this session, Piet Van den Eynde discusses various ways of converting raw images to Black & White. Lightroom, Camera Raw, Photoshop and selected plug-ins are the subject of this session. Just as in the old darkroom days, the difference between an OK and an excellent print is often in the details. Through careful local adjustments the photographer can better shape and tweak the existing light in the image.

    08 - The Power of Black & White - Part II (Piet Van den Eynde)

    Piet Van den Eynde continues the conversation and dives deeper into advanced B&W techniques - including how to make the most of your plug-ins, and leverage Photoshop, in order to produce powerful images.

    09 - Moments of Mastery (David duChemin)

    One of the best ways to learn to make photographs that resonate with us the way some of the great photographs in history have done, is to study those photographs and learn from them. The goal is not to replicate or imitate, but to learn. This session is a conversation about what makes a captivating photograph, and it’ll introduce you to the photographers on whose shoulders we stand at this point in the evolution of our craft. What makes one moment more visually powerful than another? How do we know the decisive moment when we see it? We’ll listen to the masters as they speak through their work.

    10 - Without the Camera (David duChemin)

    If we listen to the gear mongers, it’s not hard to believe that photography is a matter of simple technical competence and, barring that, owning the newest and shiniest stuff. But photography is more than ISO and aperture. No one looks at the photographs that move them and sighs at how beautifully a photographer stuck to the rule of thirds. Technical competence is assumed. It is the inner life of the photographer that is responsible for making the most compelling photographs. This session focuses on the skills you won’t find in your camera manual—the ones that will make the biggest difference in your photography.

    11 - Toward Mastery - The Journey of Craft (David duChemin)

    Photographers can feel frustrated, even paralyzed, by the challenges they face as they hone their craft. They’re often discouraged because the loudest voices in popular photography say it should be easy and that we should be shooting like a pro if we just follow their tips and tricks. Nonsense. No wonder we’re frustrated, we think we should have arrived by now; the journey towards mastery is a voyage, not a destination. This is a candid conversation about the road towards mastery, the obstacles along the way, and the day-to-day practices of the journey.

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    Last edited: 23 Jan 2022
    DarkDubi, auric101, anisette and 53 others like this.
  2. Nikon4life

    Nikon4life Legendary Master

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    26 Jan 2020
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    Link Refreshed 1/23/2022 . . . ;)