Request Craig Alexander - 6 Easy Steps To Start Selling Your Art On Etsy

Discussion in 'Photo Requests' started by jk4net, 15 Apr 2022.

  1. jk4net

    jk4net New Member

    31 Mar 2022
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    • Start selling your art on Etsy - After many years of selling my own art, research has shown Etsy is the easiest, fastest and most profitable place to begin!
    • Etsy Hacking - Learn the Secrets to reveal what kind of art sells 5x faster than anything else.
    • Pricing - How the heck do you price your art??! - This question is asked all the time, and here is THE answer.
    • What is working RIGHT NOW online 40+ tactical questions and answers sourced directly from the trenches
    • How to Handle Shipping and fulfillment - Here's how to do it the easy and profitable (sourced from 7 years of pain, doing it the WRONG way
    • How to get customers from Facebook for Free - Foolproof method of how to find audiences online (total stranger) that want your art and how to convert them to paying customers online without paying for ads.
    How Etsy Was a Game Changer To Sell My Landscape Photography Online!

    Back in 2018 I invested all my savings to have my own Photography Gallery inside a local mall. I thought it would be my big break.

    I would work 12h a day seven days a week to barely survive with my art sales. It was hard.

    I’d spent 6 years before this, as a starving artist, selling my landscape photography out of other people’s galleries and having to split everything with them 50% and never really making a profit. I relied on working 80 hours/week, interior design jobs on the side just to pay the bills.

    So when I finally saved enough to have my FIRST own expo… it flopped completely and I ended up out of business.

    I was emotionally crushed, and felt my world had fallen apart, and my career as a landscape photographer was finished.

    That was it, I knew something had to change, but I wasn't sure how to go about it.

    I Was About To Go Bankrupt And I Knew There Had To Be A Way For Me To Sell My Art.

    After a few days I thought my best option was to go online as it seemed to be a cost effective solution.
    I spent several weeks to create my website, shared it on my social media to all my friends, even spent a couple hundred bucks on Facebook Ads. I got lots of likes and comments but had zero sales. Another loss.

    I was devastated, exhausted and frankly about to give up. I spent all this extra time for nothing. I was back to square one with even less money in the bank.

    I even questioned my goal to be a professional landscape photographer and to continue living this way.

    I was 26 years old at this point and it was not the photographer life I had imagined and dreamed of.

    But deep down I didn't want to give up. I knew there had to be a way…

    I became an obsessed student of sales and marketing. I read books, went to live marketing seminars, listened to marketing podcasts, bought online courses and began to get better.

    After studying marketing for hundreds of hours, and translating this into landscape photography, I began to find ways of selling landscape photography that no one was doing!

    But this was still a one on one selling process that took me 12h/day seven days a week to make it work.

    So I Searched For The Best Possible Platform To Finally Sell Photography Prints Online.

    And the vast majority was talking about Etsy so I decided to give it a try.
    I created an account, not really sure what I was doing, set up my listings and was so excited about it, that I could hardly sleep at night.

    Waking up in the morning, I immediately checked if anything had happened. Nothing, no sales, I had high hopes but it was only the first day. What did I expect?

    I continued working my 12 hours day routine.

    It was on the Thanksgiving weekend 2018 that I got my first art sale online with Etsy for $39. I was over the moon!

    My first sale on Etsy! It felt incredible. But it didn't stop there.

    I kept working at Etsy trying to make it work better and better and even spent $7/day on Etsy ads.

    I worked tirelessly to set up all my different photos.

    Over the next few weeks, without doing much, my landscape photographs continued to sell and sell and sell.

    It is hard to describe with words how good it felt. I was ecstatic. It was life changing.

    It seemed that the key that helped sell more was the story telling.

    This Was The First Real Game-Changer

    But now I had another problem. How do you handle orders, printing, delivery and returns once you have your Etsy store setup?

    Of course once you have your first sale and ship it to your first client, it's a special moment, and there is nothing wrong with that. But once sales start to take off it can be a real headache having to spend all this time on handling products yourself and negotiating with printing companies to get the best rates.
    So in this course not only will I show you how to set up your Etsy store and my secret to make it profitable, but I'm going to do something crazy and give you access to all my special printing rates with the best printing companies you could find.

    They will handle the printing and shipping for you without ever having to touch the product yourself.

  2. umatpati

    umatpati Master

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  3. Doom Peanut

    Doom Peanut New Member

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  4. Fearless

    Fearless Moderator

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  5. myworldphotographer

    myworldphotographer Silver III

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  6. petersan

    petersan Gold

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    You may want to check this ebook by Craig Alexander: