Done David DuChemin - The Compelling Frame

Discussion in 'Photo Requests' started by bitjerman, 6 Oct 2023.

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  1. bitjerman

    bitjerman Silver III

    23 Oct 2019
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    • Your Photographs Are About to Become So Much More Captivating.

      The Compelling Frame is an online course created to help photographers like you understand and use the visual language of composition to make photographs that are more intentional, more creative, and more powerful. Here's what The Compelling Frame promises:

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      19 Great Video Lessons

      Powerful video-based lessons to teach you the strongest visual language skills, each lesson is accompanied by summaries, key takeaways, creative exercises, and Study the Masters sections.

      Lessons include:The Intentional Perspective: POV; The Illusion of Depth; The Impact of Contrast; Isolation: The Art of Exclusion; Moments: Gesture and Geometry; Story: Relationships of Elements; Visual Mass: Pulling The Eye; Balance and Tension; Visual Echoes: Repetition and Pattern; and much more.

    • 31 Creative Exercises

      We can learn a lot by reading or watching videos, but if words alone could make us better photographers, we'd all be Henri-Friggin'-Cartier-Bresson by now.

      Every lesson is accompanied by challenging creative exercises—each of them a chance for you to flex your muscles and apply what you're learning. If you were learning a language, you wouldn't get fluent by just learning the grammar and the vocabulary, would you? We all need to make this stuff our own, and these 31 assignments do exactly that.

    • Study the Masters

      One of the best ways to learn to make more captivating and compelling photographs is to study more photographs with those qualities; not just look at them and nod our heads, but to really experience them, and then to learn from them.

      Study the Masters is part of all 19 lessons of The Compelling Frame, a chance for you to be introduced to photographers who have made some of the most powerful photographs of our time.

      About The Image

      Three of the 19 lessons in The Compelling Frame are image studies called About The Image—a chance to discuss all the elements and decisions that have been taught in the course, but in context of other elements and decisions. It's easy to talk about one abstract idea like Contrast or Tension, but how we apply those in the photographs themselves—and how those elements interact with others—is often much more difficult to pin down. About The Image is a chance to look at three images in that light.

      + Exclusive Bonus Material

      In addition to 19 self-paced lessons designed to get you fluent in the visual language of photography, there are 4 additional About The Image videos, and 2 Craft & Creativity videos, unavailable anywhere else.

      From the moment you enroll, all the material is available to you on a private site that works beautifully on all platforms. It's super simple to navigate and work through the lessons, and because the course itself is self-paced, you can do it on your own time and never feel either rushed or held back. So start now, or start in a month. Or do the course three times in one caffeine-fueled week. Totally up to you.

      The videos are available to stream or you can download them to watch later. And every lesson now comes with downloadable PDF worksheets so the complete course is downloadable and accessible offline. The content is always yours.

      If you're even relatively comfortable with focusing and exposing your camera, you've already got all you need to get the most from this course; it's designed to be as free from the technical and as focused on the visual and the creative as possible.

      If you want to truly become the best photographer you are capable of being and want to make the best photographs you can make (without spending a fortune on new gear and gadgets), and you're tired of the tips and tricks and so-called shortcuts that get you nowhere, The Compelling Frame will help you create the change you've been wanting in your craft and your art.
    Want More?

    Introducing The Photographer's Process

    In 2019, I offered a one-year program called Making The Image. Part of that program was a series of videos called The Photographer's Process. I would choose one of my images and, showing you all the out-takes and the shots that didn't make it, walk through the way I made it: what was I thinking, what was I aiming for, what were my settings, why did I compose it the way I did, choose that one particular frame while editing, or post-process it the way I did? Those were the questions I was aiming to answer. Making the Image won't be offered again, but those 14 videos—almost 5 hours of teaching—are now available for the first time to everyone.

    Last edited: 6 Oct 2023
  2. mr.c

    mr.c Master

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    14 Dec 2023
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    Parfumeur and VENOM like this.
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