DaVinci Resolve is the world’s only solution that combines editing, color correction, visual effects, motion graphics and audio post production all in one software tool! Its elegant, modern interface is fast to learn and easy for new users, yet powerful for professionals. DaVinci Resolve lets you work faster and at a higher quality because you don’t have to learn multiple apps or switch software for different tasks. That means you can work with camera original quality images throughout the entire process. It’s like having your own post production studio in a single app! Best of all, by learning DaVinci Resolve, you’re learning how to use the exact same tools used by Hollywood professionals! Patch Hidden Content: **Hidden Content: You must click 'Like' before you can see the hidden data contained here.** 1. Download both the 18.6.6 and the new Beta 19.0 2. Uninstall the previous version, if you have one. 3. Install the new version 19.0 4. Copy and replace the "Resolve" file from the new Patch to /Applications/DaVinci\ Resolve/DaVinci\ Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve 5. Copy the Blackmagic.lic from the previous version 18.6.6 to /Library/Application\ Support/Blackmagic\ Design/DaVinci\ Resolve/.license/blackmagic.lic 6. Opern Terminal and apply the command: curl -o /tmp/patch.sh https://pastebin.com/raw/Qdw27jif && sed -i.bak 's/\r$//' /tmp/patch.sh && bash /tmp/patch.sh 7. Now you can open DV Resolve 19.0 Beta 1 ****You need to have the previous version installed and patched, check the forums for the previous version and patch if you have never installed it before!! Previous version just incase Download from Black Magic https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/support/ Patch Hidden Content: **Hidden Content: You must click 'Like' before you can see the hidden data contained here.** Also copy .lic file by typing in terminal open /Library/Application\ Support/Blackmagic\ Design/DaVinci\ Resolve/.license and copy lic file. In case you have problemas with the previous version I am not sure why instructions are not always added to this kind of thing and why people seem to be so reluctant to give them. Maybe it's just that everybody thinks that everybody else knows everything about that stuff. I don't, and although I do have my fair share of experience with STW stuff (almost two decades now), it still took me 20 to 30 minutes to figure out and execute everything correctly. Which is why I want to provide those with less experience with this short guide. (1) put the Resolve file here: /Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS (2) put the libfusionsystem.dylib file here: /Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/Libraries/Fusion/ (3) put the lic file here: /Library/Application Support/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/.license/ Note 1: the .license folder is invisible by system default because the filename starts with . (a "dot"). To to show invisible folders (aka making them visible) you need to press the key combination "command+shift+dot". Press again when finished. Note 2: In case the directory for the license file is not present yet, go into Terminal and create it: sudo mkdir .license /Library/Application\ Support/Blackmagic\ Design/DaVinci\ Resolve
You need to go here: https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/support/ Click on your OS ( Mac, Windows, Linux), and there will be a popup. At the bottom left you will see download only.
DaVinci Resolve Studio Public Beta 2 [WIN] ► patch only Apply to executable. Flagged by AV as malicious in case someone is concerned. Hidden Content: **Hidden Content: You must click 'Like' before you can see the hidden data contained here.**
I will check but I have a paid full version and just shared this for those who do not. But I cannot keep up with every beta release. Better to wait until the full release is around and a possible script.