Gold Demystify Color Grading - The Colorist Guide 1 - 8

Discussion in 'Video Tutorials' started by m0rpheus, 25 Jun 2024.

  1. m0rpheus

    m0rpheus Master

    Lifetime Gold Gold Member No Limit
    28 Feb 2019
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    The Colorist Guide: 01 - Foreword & Overview

    Download the course materials, get a software & color page overview, learn to import project archives & set up backups correctly!

    The Colorist Guide: 02 - Organizing Media & Project Settings
    Show you my folder structure & project settings and why they are important plus why you definitely should use metadata.

    The Colorist Guide: 03 - Understanding The Grading Workflow And Your Tools
    Explain you the primary tools, tasks of a Colorist and how to set up a fixed node tree correctly + order of operations!

    The Colorist Guide: 04 - Upgrade Your Database Correctly Without The Risk Of Loosing Anything
    A step by step guide on how to successfully upgrade your database without the fear of loosing any data or running into troubles.

    The Colorist Guide: 06 - Learn How To Use & Read The Scopes
    The different scope available, how you can take advantage of them and how to read them so you know what's going on.

    The Colorist Guide: 07 - Shot Matching Strategies
    Learn some different approaches, tips and tricks on how to match different shots together and which tools I prefer to use for this.

    The Colorist Guide: 08 - Secondary Corrections
    You'll learn all about secondary corrections within this one! From PowerWindows to Keying all the way to Vs. Curves!

    PS: I didn't download Colorist Guide 05 since it wasn't that helpful, its just parallel and serial nodes Alt + S and Alt + P
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    Catalin, richymmx, Pokes and 24 others like this.