Gold DIY Video Production: How to Create a Compelling Introduction Video

Discussion in 'Video Tutorials' started by krupa12, 15 Jul 2021.

  1. krupa12

    krupa12 Silver IV

    No Limit
    1 May 2020
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    About This Class

    Want to learn how to create your very own introduction video for your Youtube channel, social media platform, or Skillshare class?

    Join filmmaker and Skillshare editor, Lee Cohen, to learn how to create compelling introduction videos. This class is a crash course in planning, filming, and producing an intro video for your next Skillshare class, YouTube channel, or social media post. You’ll learn everything from:
    • What the structure of a successful intro video is
    • How to outline your talking points
    • What gear you’ll need
    • How to set up a film shoot
    • What to keep in mind as you film
    • How to bring it all together in the edit
    This class is for absolute beginners--all you need is an idea for a class or video, and I’ll walk you through the process step by step, ensuring you follow along with basic student assignments that ensure you don’t get overwhelmed. All you need to start is the phone in your pocket!

    Meet Your Teacher
    Lee Cohen is an educator and video producer based in Brooklyn. He started his career as a teacher in the Bronx, moved on to working on education in international contexts, and founded Local Story in 2015. Local Story works with organizations around the world to produce great stories about the work they do. As President of Local Story, Lee has worked across the US as well as the Caribbean, Southeast Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa producing videos.

    For the past two years Lee has worked with Skillshare on producing, filming, and editing videos: everything from teaching creativity with Esteban Gast to writing sci-fi stories with Lincoln Michel.


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