Other Language Erik Marreiro - The power of editing

Discussion in 'Video Tutorials' started by Sn3ik3, 6 Jun 2020.

  1. Sn3ik3

    Sn3ik3 Gold

    No Limit
    14 May 2020
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    Erik Marreiro - The power of editing

    Editing is one of the most powerful stages in the production of an audiovisual work. It is in it that we manipulate everything we capture, summarize, sound, create the rhythm and - mainly - intensify emotions: a true process of transformation. In the production of wedding films it could not be different. Creating impactful and engaging sequences requires planning, technique and especially sensitivity, after all, we are telling real stories and nothing better than a good montage to captivate and thrill the audience.



    n this Workshop, we will immerse you in the editing process - from conception to completion, going through the filming process, choosing software, rhythm, narrative techniques and sound. “Editing is a powerful process that takes place inside the editor's mind. The software is just a tool ”.

    “My name is Erik Marreiro, I'm 34 years old and I've been working with video production since I was 16. I started my professional life as an editor at my father's company, Studio NOAR. I edited documentaries, clips, television programs, made computer graphics vignettes and produced many television commercials in partnership with advertising agencies. I really broke my head! But I also learned too much! I worked with great professionals and with terrible ones too - in fact, I believe you only enjoy what is good when you know the bad up close. I spent and spend a good part of my life on an editing island and I am very grateful for that, because it was there that I learned everything I know, including how to film. That's right!

    I learned to film sitting in an editor's chair. Of course, “picking up the camera” is essential, but seeing, understanding and feeling how it works makes all the difference; so today, I edit what I shoot. You can be sure: it gives me a lot more control in the creative process and makes the work essentially authorial. And it was exactly wanting to exercise this more authorial side that in 2010 I decided to produce wedding films. I was sure that I could exercise all my ideas and inspirations in these productions. I will not define what I do with the word "passion" but with "respect". My parents raised me producing video and today I raise my son that way, so “respect” is reflected in responsibility and admiration. Thank you very much for visiting and I hope you enjoy our work! ”

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