Request Expertphotography - How to Capture Dramatic Sky Photos In Your Local Area(With Basic Gear)-jay Daley

Discussion in 'Photo Requests' started by jamesmartin, 12 Jun 2021.

  1. jamesmartin

    jamesmartin New Member

    2 May 2021
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    Am interested in Jay Daley Shooting Skies is possible please

    What if you didn’t have to leave it up to luck to capture frame-worthy shots?

    You don’t need special locations… You don’t even need to fuss about the gear you have – a basic camera works fine…

    All you need is a plan. Take a look at these photos…


    This is a nice photo of a beautiful location. It’s ok, but it’s not awe-inspiring…


    Now, this is a captivating shot! The only difference is the approach…

    Meet Jay Daley, The World-Renowned Sky Photographer
    2JayDaleyPhotography-1.jpg Jay is one of those rare people who changes what it means to be a landscape photographer.

    His style relies on preparation to capture stunning photos in his local area. (And around the world).

    He shoots firey clouds at sunset… storms brewing over cities… abstract landscapes… and stunning stars at night…

    Using nothing more than a simple camera and lens on a tripod.

    I tried it myself, and it’s so much fun to know you’re capturing exciting images that most people can’t.

    It’s no wonder he has 85,000+ followers on Instagram and sells his prints all over the world.

    He’s the Neil Armstrong of sky photography, so it only made sense to join forces and create this…

    Introducing: “Shooting Skies”
    (For illustration purposes only; this is a downloadable ebook)
    This 172-page ebook shows you how to capture 30 stunning sky photos that are out-of-this-world.

    This includes storms, lightning, reflections, sunsets, the Milky Way, and more…

    While using gear you already own, in locations close to home.

    All you need is our simple handbook and the printable “Notes From The Field” (more on those below).

    The only limit is your imagination, and with 30 of Jay’s best ideas to choose from… you’ll never be short of inspiration.

    With “Shooting Skies”, you’ll soon discover:

    • Detailed instructions to take stunning photos in almost any weather
    • Reliable ways to find great locations to shoot from (with one simple app)
    • Interesting ways to transform a scene with experimental exposures
    • How to use long exposures to capture bold and colourful photos of the sunset
    • The best way to use light and colour for vivid and vibrant shots
    The case studies in the ebook average 2-4 pages in length, with instructions to walk you through every step.

    You don’t have to read the book all at once, or even in order.

    Pick the image you want to create, read through the tutorial, print off the “Notes From The Field”, and shoot!

    30 Printable “Notes From The Field” for Sky Photography
    We wanted to make the process of capturing stunning sky photography as easy as possible.

    So Jay worked with our design team to create “Notes From The Field” for each image.

    Styled like his own hand-written notes, they share everything you need to capture each image.

    The process is simple:

    1. Read through the detailed instructions in the ebook
    2. Print the “Note From The Field” cheat sheet
    3. Scout the location, check the weather, and find the perfect time of day
    4. Follow the four powerful composition tips to make your images pop
    5. Replicate the camera settings and SHOOT
    The “Notes From the Field” show you exactly how to recreate each image.

    Whether you’re a Landscape Photography or a Nature Enthusiast… these cheat sheets make the process easy.
    Last edited: 12 Jun 2021
  2. VENOM

    VENOM Moderator

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  3. jamesmartin

    jamesmartin New Member

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  4. jk4net

    jk4net New Member

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