Gold FBX to AE Pro 1.0.4 for After Effects

Discussion in 'Video Effects' started by grenice, 10 Jun 2019.

  1. grenice

    grenice Legendary Master

    Lifetime Gold Gold Member No Limit
    25 Jul 2018
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    FBX to AE Pro 1.0.4 for After Effects MacOS
    Import and export one or more 3D animated cameras, reference solids and nulls from and to After Effects composition.

    Import and export one or more 3D animated cameras, reference solids and null/dummy from and to After Effects composition.

    Now supports OS X and Windows

    • Create a new Composition with the correct size and fps of camera rendering​
    • 3D animated standard camera free and target (at the moment Physical Camera is not supported)​
    • Animated Plane with 4 vertices​
    • Animated Complex meshes as Null Layer​
    • Animated Dummy and Locator​
    • Parent Child linkings are supported (known issues for Maya linkings)​
    • 3D animated camera free and target​
    • 3D animated Solid Layer as 4 vertices planes​
    • 3D animated Null Layer as Dummy/Locator​
    • Parent Child linkings are supported​
    • After Effects: CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014​
    • 3DS Max: 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012​
    • Maya: 2016​
    What’s New in FBX to AE Pro 1.0.4
    • Added support for CC2019​
    • Added support for floating licenses​

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