Film Lighting Made Simple By Dandan Liu

Discussion in 'Video Tutorials' started by zvimoss, 18 Feb 2021.

  1. zvimoss

    zvimoss Silver III

    6 Jul 2020
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    Film Lighting Made Simple By Dandan Liu

    About This Class

    “Simplicity is the eye of sophistication.”

    -Oscar Wilde

    Feeling intimidated by the lighting process as a filmmaker?

    I don't blame you. From all the online lighting courses out there, it seems like complicated light set ups and a big crew are the only way to light beautiful shots. Well, after years of working as a professional cinematographer in the industry, I've come to realize this:

    Beautiful lighting can be simple!

    Hence, this course.

    This course teaches beginners how to approach film lighting with simplicity & nuance, focusing on lightweight, affordable light set-ups for the independent filmmaker. Inspired by the gorgeous cinematography of the Netflix show Chef’s Table, this course is divided into three parts. First, it will train your eye to see the nuances of light. Second, it will teach you how to shape light in a streamlined 5 step method. Third, it will apply all of the lessons in the real world by bringing you into a food and interview shoot of a private chef in Italy.

    So get ready to have both your eyes and tastebuds drooling, as you leave with all the knowledge and a complete roadmap on how to create beautiful lighting for your film. This course is intended for complete beginners, but taking my “Creating a Beautiful, Cinematic Documentary with Soul” or “Filmmaker Booster Class” will help contextualize the lessons.

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    romarenton, Thomasprz, Shleo and 42 others like this.
  2. puppetwarp

    puppetwarp Gold Nova

    No Limit
    16 Feb 2018
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    thanks......looks really interesting