FilmConvert Nitrate 3.0 - AE Win 64

Discussion in 'Video Effects' started by pamscot, 5 Sep 2019.

  1. pamscot

    pamscot Legendary

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    12 Oct 2018
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    FilmConvert Nitrate

    after-effects.png premiere.png Cineon Log Film Emulation
    Filmmakers love the built-in FilmConvert film stocks for their authentic look, but sometimes you want more control over the final image.

    In the Nitrate update, we've added Cineon Log versions of our original film stock emulations, meaning you can dial the contrast or saturation of a film stock back to your liking, while still keeping the authentic film stock colors.

    Design your own film response curve
    We've designed full custom curve controls for each of the FilmConvert film stocks, so you can create exactly the look you want: modify highlight and shadow roll-offs, or even design your own film stock from scratch. Nitrate now uses a full Log image processing pipeline, so you can retain the full dynamic range of your footage through the grading process.

    Advanced film grain controls
    You can now adjust the appearance of the grain individually in the highlights, mid-tones, and shadows.

    grain-image.png grain-ui2.png

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