Free Reaper License 2021

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mwla, 20 Nov 2020.

  1. mwla

    mwla Legendary

    No Limit
    8 Feb 2018
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    If you are staying home and would like to use REAPER, you can download a temporary REAPER license.
    One small ask: please wear a mask! Thank you.

    Visit link for license. Through version 6 until 1/31/2021.

    IMPORTANT: We kindly ask that users of this license commit to wearing a mask at all times when in public.

    This is a temporary license key valid through the end of January 2021, offered to those staying at home and/or
    working remotely who want to use REAPER from home.

    REAPER can import your license key automatically if you copy the following text to your clipboard:

    --- cut ---

    --- cut ---

    Select the above text, and then choose "Copy" from your browser's Edit menu, then run REAPER.

    REAPER should then prompt you to import the license.

    Alternatively, you can save this file to disk and import it into REAPER via REAPER's about window, purchase tab.
    Last edited: 20 Nov 2020
    lorrana salvador likes this.