Fury 3 PRO Photoshop Action

Discussion in 'Actions' started by tombol, 6 Dec 2019.

  1. tombol

    tombol Skilled

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    9 Feb 2018
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    Fury 3 Photoshop Action

    How does the Fury 3 Photoshop Action work? You simply fill in your subject with a color and play the Action!

    You can choose from 5 different effect directions: left, right, up, down or middle.

    The video tutorial link is included in the 'Readme.txt' file in the download. The video tutorial covers how to set up your Photoshop file as well as in-depth effect customization techniques.

    The action has been tested and working on Photoshop CS3,CS4,CS5,CS6,CC,CC 2015.5,CC 2017+

    The action will ONLY WORK IN THE ENGLISH VERSION OF PHOTOSHOP . For instructions on how to revert your Photoshop to English to run the Action and the revert back to your native language, visit the link provided in the readme file included in the download.

    If you are having difficulties with the Action, first ensure you have watched the video tutorial. If you are still stuck, please visit the support page link included in the readme file in the download.

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