Great Photo's on a Shoestring Budget- #1 Lighting - Lorna Daniel

Discussion in 'Skillshare' started by Mystic Wolf, 3 Jul 2020.

  1. Mystic Wolf

    Mystic Wolf Master

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    2 Mar 2020
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    Great Photo's on a Shoestring Budget- #1 Lighting

    About This Class

    This class will teach you how to think out of the box to light your photographs to achieve high quality photographs on a low budget.

    In this class I will show you some unique tips and techniques on how you get amazing photo’s without having to spend lots of money on buying or hiring equipment.

    There is so much to show you so we will focus this class purely on lighting methods and how to use everyday items such as sheets, foil, torches, mirrors and more to create great lighting and effects.

    Correct lighting is an extremely important part of a great photograph so in this class you will learn:

    • Basic camera settings such as aperture, shutter speed and ISO and how they effect lighting.
    • The basic theory of lighting and traditional lighting techniques.
    • Using everyday items to create reflectors, diffusers and soft boxes.
    • I will show you plenty of examples of photographs I have taken using my own techniques to photograph- people, food and animals.
    By the end of the class you will put your knew knowledge to work by:

    • Creating two images using two different methods mentioned in the class.

    • The images can be of a still life, animals, people- whatever you want it to be of.
    • Share your image with us in the class project section by posting it and the shutter speed, aperture and ISO details.
    I hope you find this class fun and helpful!

    Course Link

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