Gold Happy Editing – FILM BURNS

Discussion in 'Video Effects' started by d00dlebugRSA, 9 Dec 2024.

  1. d00dlebugRSA

    d00dlebugRSA Skilled

    No Limit
    23 Apr 2018
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    Product feature:

    Add film texture to your transitions with 15+ 4K burns and flashes scanned from real Kodak film stock.

    Film burns are essential to every editor’s collection of assets. Scanned from real Kodak film stocks (8mm, 16mm, and 35mm), they help provide a flash frame transition between shots with unique color and grit to accentuate the footage.

    What used to be considered a flaw between scenes has now become one of the most beloved cinematic transition elements. These 15+ film burns are scanned directly from a variety of Kodak film stocks and provide the unique texture that only celluloid can produce.

    These effects couldn’t be easier to use. Drag and drop onto a layer above your footage, then set a blending mode to see the magic happen. For these film burns, we recommend either Lighten or Screen for a traditional overlay approach. Or try experimenting with Difference for something more unique and vibrant.



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    Thanks for the heads up, I don't know why that is. It is the direct link from the Qiwi website. Here is the 'non-direct' link:

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    andalou, moschinell, nnit and 62 others like this.