Help with natural light like Amina Donskaya!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Alex Rodriguez, 20 Mar 2021.

  1. Alex Rodriguez

    Alex Rodriguez Silver II

    11 Mar 2021
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    Hi guys i have been looking at various courses from Amina Donskaya and other russian photographers.
    But I have a question, how do they make such a beautiful RAW? is the light? Or some video to learn how to take raw like that?
    my raw are very poor in comparison

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    lordlordlord35, j7u9A and marion like this.
  2. Foxman2k

    Foxman2k Gold

    Gold Member No Limit
    25 Oct 2019
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    Amina has full course where she shows her typical session outdoor ( Unfortunately I don't have this course since it is pretty expensive but looking at this specific image (and also researching her other public resources) I can tell that:

    1. It was shot on FF camera with 135/1.8 lens at 1.8/2.0;
    2. It was shot closer to evening in semi-shade area with far background (which looks bigger and closer because of 135mm compression);
    3. Looking at the shadows, at least one fill light with big modifier was used to highlight the model. And it is possible that there was one more light from opposite side to make light more even and shadows / forms more defined. Without these lights the model will look "flat".

    On additional (practical) note, such shot is hardly possible without previous research and planning of location and two assistants (apart of MUA) who should move, position and calibrate the lights all the time (weather and ambient light could be very unstable and change rapidly).

    Regards :)
    Last edited: 31 May 2021
    lordlordlord35, rorero1962 and j7u9A like this.