Request How to create a good 2020 Presets setup in Lightroom (combining packs from different sources)

Discussion in 'Photo Requests' started by marsh, 29 Aug 2020.

  1. marsh

    marsh New Member

    29 Aug 2020
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    Hi all, So Im new here and I am looking for some advice on:

    A: installing myself a good starter pack so I can start working with presets, just found out they even existed :)

    B: enhancing my skills! I shoot (still a hobby) travel/landscapes / weddings (for friends with low budget that can't afford a photographer) / real estate interior (for airbnb) / (family)portraits (for friends and for me to gain experience) / food (for my boyfriends restaurant) on a Nikon D90, with kitlens 18-105mm, 50mm, and fisheye 8-16mm (I know its pretty old, but no moneys for a new camera at the moment.. and just really getting back into it after 5 yrs).

    What I know now, I mainly got out of books, and I did the Lightroom made easy course by Phil Steele 5years ago which gave me a bit of a basis... but perhaps a little outdated by now.

    I am super autodidact on anything and want to progress my photography and editing skills... but OMG where on this forum should I start / is there a existing thread like this?

    regarding A:

    I have Lightroom Classic 9.1 and installed the following:

    Visual flow global presets:
    I can't find the CRUSH set anywhere, much appreciated if anyone knows
    Apparently they will be releasing another pack called MOOD pretty soon so would be great to see if the community is getting a hold on that one too (see:

    Visual flow local presets:

    for the ones looking for these Visual flow presets, I got them from:
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    Question one: apparently I need to install (for the Visual flow presets to actually work properly) a camera profile, but they don't have one for D90) any advice on what else I could use? And how/where to install these in Lr?

    Question two: which other (global) preset pack(s) would be good to add to my assortment so I have a good setup in LR for the kind of pictures I take? What are the favourites of this community?

    Regarding B:

    Question three: I've noticed there is a massive amount of tutorials on the respective forum to help me progress but I also don't know where to start. Say I would love to learn more about better photography editing Im looking for: working with Lightroom, working with Lightroom Presets - which would be the best 'online school' to look for tutorials?

    Question four: similar to q3, say I want to improve my photography on shooting better portraits, landscapes, weddings, interior, food, and maybe a re-run trough the basics which of the 'schools' on the tutorial forums would be the one to just follow all there tutorials of? So pretty much: who has the best/fullest curriculum, and offers a good order from start to end?

    ps. I totally understand I do need a better camera, which will help massively, but this is what im starting with, I know its terrible in low-light, but I do love the beasty and hopefully can upgrade in a year or so to a not too old 2nd hand, when I also have improved/refreshed my skills ( im thinking Sony alpha a7-ii or staying with Nikon so I can keep using my lenses, and Im also not sure if ill go for cropped or full frame sensor, if I will stay with slr or go digital) ill figure all of this out in the next year.

    Thanks heaps for any advice!
    Last edited: 29 Aug 2020
  2. marsh

    marsh New Member

    29 Aug 2020
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