I want my 1800 Likes & 450+ Messages back!!!

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Complaints' started by DesertFox, 28 Aug 2024.

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  1. Nikon4life

    Nikon4life Legendary

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    26 Jan 2020
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    This was the criteria (meeting the 1000 likes - posts or was it messages??) resulting in a trusted title - but what did that mean??? At some / one point those members could organize a GB. But myself (and I'm certain others) posited the question to admin regarding standards specific to payment and associated anonymity . . . you wanna give me money just because I'm "trusted" and I've met the threshold? Not all peeps on this site understand the backbone to truly remaining somewhat of a ghost given the nature of the forum. This is evident if you really dig a little . . .


    Thus this never really got resolved and it's in some pseudo-limbo state (I think) . . . so "rules" or criteria is in relative constant flux.

    Key-wording was a standard and then it was gone . . . because few individuals utilized it . . .

    Rule 18 [as noted above] was initially 1/2 the likes being deleted . . . but that eventually changed to all likes. The impetus for that decision was to encourage OPs to keep up on their posts and/or to prompt peeps to fulfill mirrors.

    Right - it's a valid scenario for the ol' review requiring human eyes and reasoning . . . time-allowing . . .

    Real-world often does (and should) take priority . . . therefore the perceived absenteeism of some of the Mods. I've had conversations with several over the course of my time here and some were completely at a loss about standards of protocol and felt as if they had no admin support - that's not to say they didn't attempt to do what they thought was best for the forum - they were simply a little cooked because their [both the mods and admin] lives were busy. Trying to monitor posts is like playing wack-a-mole in this forum because it's a manual process. I wish I knew coding but . . .I'm too busy . . .

    This thread highlights several items - but it's only a few in a list of other points of interest (e.g. Invite-only vs open-registration; hosting standards; GB details and associated payment; excess TP what to do with them; perceived difficulty in attaining 1K likes; payment for monthly subscriptions; non-payment by members within GBs causing a prolonged release of GB; etc, etc.).

    @curiousdude - your above synopsis is well-written and refreshing to read - ya wanna be a Mod? I'm only kidding . . .

    EDIT: I performed a quick search and the criteria was 1000 POSTS . . . which theoretically would incorporate messages . . .{I think - therefore 1000 "thanks" equates to being trusted?? - that don't seem right, Willis - - - and perhaps the reason I don't see it anymore - alas, another change}


    - and from a different thread -



    Please don't take my notes as dogging the site - it's a helluva good one - but I'm also sure it's a bear to keep the wheels greased . . .

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    Last edited: 30 Aug 2024
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  2. DesertFox

    DesertFox Professional

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    23 Sep 2021
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    I am very happy to see you participate in this discussion. You without doubt have impressed me as one of the sharpest people to have joined the "club" in a long time.

    I can't really add much to what I've already written. My Trophy Points were earned from Likes received from threads that were deleted. It doesn't (or shouldn't) matter why they were deleted, because they contained hacked software programs that are primarily only good until the next update or release of a new version. I said primarily, because of course many of those program can be used after a new release has been made. But the appeal is always for the newest. With each new release, links to the old program were removed and replaced by the new. That happened in every one of my threads. So, as stated previously, had I decided to just stop posting, those links would have simply died. There would not have been a mirror created by anyone else due to the sheer amount of time, effort and energy it took to simply maintain the threads. You can tell that by the simple fact that Photoshop and Lightroom for Windows were not returned to the site, until after I returned to the site.

    Although, after finding out that I would not earn anymore Trophy Points until after I had replaced the 1800 Likes I lost from file deletion, I needed another plan. I have no incentive to continuing to bring Windows user members additional software releases. So, I choose a current member to post some of those items for me, to earn Likes and Trophy Points which should be mine to prove a point. Trophy Points are going to be paid to someone of my choosing, so why not to me? Not only isn't that fair, it's ludicrous! I have no plans to continue this. It gives me no personal pleasure or satisfaction to see my rewards going to someone else.

    As I've stated previously, I don't really care about Trophy Points per se. I can't spend them at the corner store. They along with Likes and messages are simply the rewards one earns here for his/her efforts. So as a contributor and someone who loves to share, I want to be paid fairly. My case is unique because no one else has stepped in to fill the gap since I left. They won't for a variety of reasons, but primarily because most people don't have the necessary time on their hands. Returning the 1800 Likes I EARNED fair and squarely so that I can continue to have an incentive to do what I love is as easy as turning on a light switch.

    PS - @Nikon4life - Yes, that was the carrot @george mentioned for receiving 1000 messages ... "trusted". Thanks for spending the time to bring this to the surface.
    Last edited: 30 Aug 2024
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  3. Nikon4life

    Nikon4life Legendary

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    If you deleted the thread and associated likes - then yes - they're gone. By replacing "newer" updates and essentially overwriting the older - you waived your possession to those likes (yeah I know it sucks). But that's the way the system (at present) works. Understanding this - wouldn't it be better to post updates (specific to software) in a thread with subsequent "newer" versions as cascading posts within a thread? Perhaps model your posts similar to - see - for example - posts by Grenice and HovisBrown.

    I personally find it beneficial using "older" versions of various software - - and if I felt compelled to always update to the latest - for me - would be akin to the "tail wagging the dog" What I have works and works well - without the need to have to perform system updates and all the other crap due to planned obsolescence . . .

    If you deleted all those posts and realized after-the-fact - what the hell happened to my accumulated likes - that's just human error; an oopsie . . . @george should readily give you those back - I see no reason not to do so . . .

    Posting within a Progressive Thread may render the links to eventually die -but the thread with the latest version will remain (assuming you're on top of your posts) - and so too will ALL your likes. An additional benefit of this is to fill requests for those older versions you should have in reserve (on a Hard drive or whatever) - further helping someone with not the "latest / greatest". Can it get a little untidy? I guess - but this is the sandbox we're in . . . and there's a shit-load of worse unkempt threads directly because of items you stated in your initial post.
  4. DesertFox

    DesertFox Professional

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    23 Sep 2021
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    @Nikon4life - You've missed the point a bit. It was with @george's blessing that I create one thread for Photoshop (for example) and as new versions were released, that I could remove the older links. Where have I said I wasn't able to assist someone with the older versions? In reality no one ever asked for them! Additionally, I don't think you downloaded many items from me, but I chose hacked versions of the programs I posted here with as little if any "system updates and all the other crap". There are many repack & a few portable authors/builders out there and I know them all. Before posting anything here (as I spelled out in my signature at the time) I personally tested it thoroughly first. My reputation in this area was my bond and I wanted members to know that they could trust me and what I provided. If there were "tricky" things to do in order to complete the installation, I spelled them out very carefully.

    However I have no fiduciary responsibility to continue posting and maintaining anything I start here.

    I also do not appreciate you equating what Grenice and HovisBrown do for Mac users by comparison to anything I did here. There was no comparison and for you to say that just indicates a total lack of what I actually provided here and how I did it. Probably because you were happy using old versions of software.
    OSCARMarte likes this.
  5. DesertFox

    DesertFox Professional

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    23 Sep 2021
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    There were a lot of things I did here that had not been done before. For the most part people who posted software for Windows (minor programs) did so randomly and on occasion. This resulted in new threads being started with each new version (rarely consecutive new versions by the way). So, when I came along I started out doing what I assumed was the norm here and followed the examples. Then I figured out that it was just better to update the threads and put a link in the original post to take members to the new version links within the thread automatically. As I said previously, these threads (Photoshop, Photoshop Beta, Lightroom Classic ... both repacks (meaning installed) and portable versions) would contain 100s of Likes and messages. I not only made this material available, I was here numerous times throughout everyday to help reasonable people solve issues and to answer questions.

    I had discussions with @george about doing it this way, and during our numerous discussions back then he explained to me why there was so much dead weight here (meaning worthless threads). It was because if they were deleted the members included would lose their Likes and messages. He told me during one of those discussions that he would work with me on transferring at least my Likes to the new style threads I had created. After giving it some thought and knowing how busy he seemed, I just let it go. The point is, if he could have done it then, he most certainly could do it now.

    To ask me to earn an additional 1800 Likes before I can receive additional Trophy Points is ridiculous! Why would that be necessary in my case??? I EARNED THEM fair and square. The site wouldn't be paying out double Likes and Trophy Points because what would be posted is new. The old stuff is dead and buried. Presently I have absolutely no incentive to provide the membership with anything further. And, that means through other people as well. I was proving a point to @george, that he was going to pay out Trophy Points to another member that I would be supplying the material and links for. So why him and not me??? How does that make sense to anyone?

    Anyway, all this conversation and explanation is exhausting for this old man. I've laid out my the reasons why I should have my 1800 Likes and 450+ messages restored. I can't (won't) continue providing another member with this material to post as his own and I won't post it myself without incentive. I don't believe I have nothing further to say on the subject. And, I'm sure it just dies right here and that's sad in many ways ... especially for the members who would have benefited from what I have to offer.
    OSCARMarte likes this.
  6. george

    george Administrator

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    2 Jul 2017
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    After reviewing all of the posts above I have decided the following:
    - members will no longer lose likes if their dead threads/posts are moved to trash. Likes will only be deducted if he has gained them abusively(duplicates or materials not allowed to be posted or fake likes through other accounts).
    - since deleting old, outdated threads/posts also removes the likes gained by the OP(and this cannot be changed at the moment) but in order to also keep the site clean, a new section "Archive" will be added where all of these will be moved to.
    - @DesertFox will get his likes back.
  7. petersan

    petersan Professional

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    Nice, fair enough
  8. george

    george Administrator

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    Thank you again to you all for making the forum a better place for everyone by expressing your suggestions and complaints.
    kagylo, curiousdude, Lugee and 2 others like this.
  9. DesertFox

    DesertFox Professional

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    23 Sep 2021
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    YEAH ... thank you so much george, and thanks to all who participated in this discussion ... especially those who supported me.
    OSCARMarte and Nikon4life like this.
  10. mr.c

    mr.c Grand Master

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    Good solution indeed.
  11. Fearless

    Fearless Moderator

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    BEAUTIFUL ENDING :rolleyes:
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  12. DesertFox

    DesertFox Professional

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    23 Sep 2021
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    I like the words, but the use of rollingeyes emoji is confusing. Why? Because its use represents an expression of disbelief, annoyance, impatience, boredom, and disdain.
    OSCARMarte likes this.
  13. petersan

    petersan Professional

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    Man, I think you're too picky here. The meaning of the rolling eyes emoji you are referring to is for one with a serious or angry expression. This one above is smiling so I guess it is expressing something like "all's well that ends well"
    OSCARMarte and Fearless like this.
  14. DesertFox

    DesertFox Professional

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    23 Sep 2021
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    Not true in either case! Have you never looked at someone you disagreed with but kept a smile on your face? A rollingeyes emoji is exactly as I define it. So the use of it along with those words could have been posted in sarcasm. I am curious to know which it was and I don't see how it concerns you either way?

    I like to know where I stand with people, especially staff members.
    Last edited: 30 Aug 2024
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  15. petersan

    petersan Professional

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    Sure it doesn't concern me. Don't worry, moving on...
  16. DesertFox

    DesertFox Professional

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    23 Sep 2021
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    No offense intended, I'm just a curious person ... and I added a bit more after posting.
    OSCARMarte likes this.
  17. Fearless

    Fearless Moderator

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    1 Feb 2019
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    You are strange, it's just a smile
    I hope you take things easy and don't get upset for no reason.
    You are very emotional and impulsive to be at the age you mentioned, Take a breath grandpa and try to relax a little.
  18. DesertFox

    DesertFox Professional

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    23 Sep 2021
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    First of all, I'm not upset! I believe I explained my reason for asking the question quite adequately! Rollingeyes is not just a smile, it is as I define it. Your use of it could have meant something sarcastic, or hopefully not. I would prefer to know which, so I simply asked. You are correct, I am emotional to some degree because this has been quite a battle!!! And it has nothing to do with my age sonny boy (see how that disrespect works)! I have contributed quite heavily here in the past (before you returned), and I will do so going forward. But I will take your advice and try to relax a little now.
    OSCARMarte likes this.
  19. Nikon4life

    Nikon4life Legendary

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    26 Jan 2020
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    @DesertFox - I looked at some of your (shared) posts after reviewing the above posts (#24 and #25) - and can honestly state your shares should be of considerable value to anyone here - they certainly would if I had opted to use the various items not for the fact I'm comfortable with what I'm currently using - although "old" {hell - I'm still using programs by Ching Liu} - it fits the bill for what I do (at the moment anyway). And you're correct - I've not had opportunity to use what you've been able to share - and thus my ignorance to your method. Someday I guess I'll progress along that path . . . it's inevitable . . . and I'm sure I'll thank you again with greater meaning -

    I - for one - hope George's response above sufficiently serves as testament toward the effort to make things right - and you maintain some willingness to continue to share going forward . . .

    Sincerely - I wish you and your health well . . .
    DesertFox likes this.
  20. DesertFox

    DesertFox Professional

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    23 Sep 2021
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    Thank you so much for these very kind words. You are definitely a person who follows through and goes way beyond expectations. I will most assuredly be continuing to provide the membership (well Windows users anyway) software items mainly that I hope will be considered of value. If and when the time comes, it would be a pleasure to serve you. Thanks again. I feel through all this I have gained a friend. At least I would hope to think so.
    OSCARMarte and Nikon4life like this.
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