Infinity Graphic Pack

Discussion in 'Video Effects' started by dalco, 30 Oct 2020.

  1. dalco

    dalco Apprentice IV

    No Limit
    23 Jan 2020
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    This pack contains more than one thousand animated graphic elements. All items created with multi-purpose usage in mind. The best part is that with a little bit of affording you can customize and get the final result very fast. We tried to craft all elements based on the most popular categories in motion graphics and film making industry and we pushed it forward with cutting edge design & animation trends of 2019. Creating new content isn’t hard anymore, just feel creative, and use animation blocks to make a whole new scene. You can mix these blocks and get millions of combinations of designs with different colors and styles.
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    Caduco123, bm1000, rstrator4 and 21 others like this.