LinkedIn - Introduction to Graphic Design : Photoshop

Discussion in 'Photo Tutorials' started by joshupton2020, 3 Jun 2022.

  1. joshupton2020

    joshupton2020 Apprentice III

    5 May 2021
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    About the intro to graphic design practicals

    - [Tony] Graphic design is everywhere you look. Any publication you look at or in anything you watch, on the packaging of your favorite foods and drinks, on your clothing, the interface of your phone, and your devices, everywhere. The Intro to Graphic Design course or I2GD, as we affectionately call it here, teaches the basic concepts of graphic design. And this practical course takes you through a project in Photoshop, where you will apply those concepts as you may do in the real world. Although it's been made easy enough to follow if you're new to the software, this course isn't an introduction to Photoshop. And if you're keen to learn more, then I recommend highly the Photoshop Quick Start course by my good friend, Jesus Ramirez, and Photoshop Essential Training by another of my good friends, the incredible Julianne Cost. You may also be using something other than Photoshop. And if that is the case, I would probably watch through and note how the project links back to the concepts course before trying it out in your own software. My name is Tony Harmer and my career spans almost four decades in the creative industry. I know hard to believe looking at me, but I've been in several roles and I've managed to build up a lot of practical experience. I'm also an accredited expert in all of the Adobe Creative Cloud Design apps. So you're in good hands. I promise you. I'm really excited that you're here. So let's get started and begin this I2GD project course in Photoshop.


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    Tahina, zolba, georgy_nn78 and 11 others like this.
  2. umatpati

    umatpati Master

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    31 Oct 2019
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    Awesome..Thank you so much