Done Kara Layne - Documenting the Everyday: iPhone Photography Edition

Discussion in 'Photo Requests' started by pixiepie, 19 Sep 2019.

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  1. pixiepie

    pixiepie Silver I

    2 Jan 2019
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    Learn how to take beautiful and artistic photos right from your back pocket. You will learn about angles, lighting, how to get natural expressions from loved ones and so much more in this online, self-paced course.

    Join Kara as she teaches you how to photograph your everyday life beautifully and artistically using just your iPhone. From technique and composition to how to make natural light work for you. She will show you how to get genuine expressions from your children as well as editing techniques and the apps she uses. Learn how to truly create fine art photographs right from your back pocket!

    Along with the education you will receive from taking this course, you will also have access to our private Facebook community where Kara continues to be present, where she shares her recent photos of everyday life, announces challenges and contests, as well as where you can connect with other students learning the same things you are.

    This was shared earlier this year by "Convectuoso" but the link, unfortunately, was affected by the Mega Mishap and the original post is closed. Please forgive if this was not the appropriate way to request again. :(

    Thank you
    jasver22 and Shelb like this.
  2. Fearless

    Fearless Moderator

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    1 Feb 2019
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