Gold KelbyOne - A Day with Joe McNally

Discussion in 'KelbyOne' started by VENOM, 25 May 2020.

  1. VENOM

    VENOM Moderator

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    7 Dec 2018
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    Watch A Day with Joe McNally
    Spend some time with Scott Kelby and crew as they share a day in the life of professional photographer Joe McNally (Time, LIFE, Sports Illustrated, National Geographic, etc.). Start in Joe’s studio as they pack for the day’s shoot and travel with Joe and Scott to a photo shoot in NYC. You’ll get an up-close insight on commercial photography – the kind that a photographer reveals when having a conversation with a good friend – and learn not only the “how” of a job, but also the “why” from choice of subject to motivation. Plus, if you’ve ever seen Joe and Scott interact before, you know you’re going to enjoy yourself and laugh a little along the way.

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    Last edited: 19 Nov 2021