Gold KelbyOne - Blending Moments of Light in Photoshop for Travel Photographers

Discussion in 'KelbyOne' started by pamscot, 16 Sep 2020.

  1. pamscot

    pamscot Grand Master

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    KelbyOne - Blending Moments of Light in Photoshop for Travel Photographers

    Join Rammy Kazemi for his latest installment of advanced Photoshop techniques for travel and landscape photographers! In this class Rammy takes you through his entire process for blending two photos taken at different times to create a result that is truly greater than the sum of its parts. Through each step in the process Rammy shares his unique take on evaluating the best parts of each photo, how to seamlessly blend the photos together, how to adjust contrast and color, how he approaches dodging and burning, and his special technique for adding depth and dimension. You’re bound to be inspired as well as learn techniques you can apply to your own photography.

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    Last edited: 16 Sep 2020
    IronMarco, Adalanth, Vic12g and 34 others like this.