KelbyOne - The Photographer’s Guide to Traveling Right

Discussion in 'KelbyOne' started by Nicky P, 2 Nov 2020.

  1. Nicky P

    Nicky P Professional

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    22 Feb 2018
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    Whether you are going on a big photo safari or a vacation with family, join Scott Kelby and Larry Becker as they share their killer tips for how to travel right. In this class Scott covers everything from choosing the right bag for your gear, tips for ensuring you are within size and weight restrictions, what accessories can make your experience more successful, what to consider about tripods, strategies for backing up on the road, what to do when you get back home, and so much more. All through the class Scott and Larry share their experiences and advice to help you decide what gear to bring, how to get it there, and how to bring it all home with you. Safe travels!

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    Last edited: 2 Nov 2020