KelbyTraining - Wedding Photography - Searching for the Light - Cliff Mautner

Discussion in 'KelbyOne' started by Rock76, 20 Apr 2018.

  1. Rock76

    Rock76 Silver IV

    No Limit
    17 Apr 2018
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    In a perfect world, wedding photographers would have an unlimited amount of time to capture the perfect wedding photo with the perfect light for their clients. In reality, the time is fleeting and the light is whatever’s available – but, if you ask your client for a little of their time up front, you have a unique opportunity. Join renowned wedding photographer Cliff Mautner on location as he shares his personal tips and tricks in some offbeat places he discovered over the years for its light. This class will teach you to do the one thing that will make you the wedding photographer of recognition in your own location – be the person who takes as many different pictures as possible in the fastest time possible, in the most interesting places possible, that are beautifully lit and different from what everyone else does. Warning: This class contains no gazebos or rose gardens!

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    Prilili, diosdado, molnarr75 and 39 others like this.